11🔥Kicked Out

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They stayed in their hug for a few minutes.  They didn't care if the others found them. They just stayed in their hug. That was until TK let out a small groan.
Thalia immediately pulled away and checked to see if TK was alright.
"My shoulder, I injured it a tiny bit today."
"What when you were out with Carlos?"
Thalia then wiggled her eyebrows while TK chocked on his own spit.
"No, this idiot decided to help save a drown lady. A bus flipped and hit a water hydrant when the power surge hit."
Carlos said while TK was still coughing.
Thalia left out a laugh.
Once TK composed himself, he smiled.
"So how come you're here?"
"You want to get rid of me that quickly, huh?"
Yet again TK stammered and tried to compose himself.
"I'm kidding. Ever heard of something called British sarcasm?"
TK let out a laugh.
"Uh yh, but don't you have school."
"It's half-term"
Thalia replied without realising that Americans didn't know what halfterms were.
Thalia looked over to see Owen and the other firefighters entering the kitchen.
"Oh yeah right. We get a break every 6-9 weeks. It depends on the timetable."
"Now that's so unfair. Why don't America do anything like that."
She saw the Mateo guy ask while the girl next to him just elbow him in the gut.
"I mean we only get a 6 week summer holiday instead of your 10 week one."
"Now that just sucks."
Owen then started to speak and introduce all the firefighters to Thalia. She knew she might remember a few names but she wouldn't be able to remember all of them.
Just as Owen has stopped introducing them to her, Thalia's phone started to ring.
She guess that it had turned back on while she was asleep. She looked at it to see that it was her mum.
"Uh, is it alright if I take it?"
They all nodded before walking towards the food.
Thalia then walked off to somewhere quiet and answered her phone. Here goes.
Thalia winced before attempting to reply but was cut off by her mum.
Once her mum had stopped shouting she started speaking.
"Mum, I'm in Austin, Texas. I left you a note. They had a solar storm so all electronics went offline for a while. My phone stopped working so I didn't get any of your calls"
"I'm booking you a flight now to come back. If you don't I'm going to call the police."
"Mum, I'm 18 in a month. If you make me come back now, I'll just come back in a month. You can't stop me. I'm just checking that TK is alright."
Her mum started talking to her again saying how she would be grounded when she got back. How if she wanted to act like an adult then she would be kicked out.
Thalia just cut her off before hanging up in her. She then collapsed on the floor and sobbed. She had basically been kicked out because she wanted to meet her older brother ands check that he was alright. She didn't understand why her mother hated TK that much.
She then heard steps coming towards and quickly wiped her eyes and acted like nothing was wrong. She looked up and saw Owen walking towards her with a concerned look on his face. He came and sat next to her.
"Are you alright?"
Thalia nodded before she started to stand up.
"Thalia. You can talk to me. I know I wasn't there for you before but I want to be now."
"You won't get mad right?"
Owen thought for a second.
"Technically I ran away from home. I asked my mum to let me come here but she didn't want me to. We had a big argument about it but I needed to come and see TK to check he was okay. So I ran away I guess.  She said I had to come home this instant or she would kick me out. "
Owen sat there in complete shock and was about to speak when Thalia started speaking again.
"I said I was staying here with TK for a week and she's kicked me out. I don't have anywhere to go now."
Owen then suddenly grabbed Thalia and pulled her into a hug. She was startled for a second but then started crying as he comforted her.
"You can stay here with TK and I. If you don't want to then I'm sure Carlos would let you stay."
She pulled away before shaking her head.
"I need to finish my A-levels. They're in a couple of months."
"We'll sort something out. I promise. I'm not going to abandon you.
Thalia grinned.
"Thank you Owen."
Thalia must off noticed the upset look in his face when she called him Owen and not Dad.
"I'm not ready to call you Dad, I'm sorry. I only just met you today."
"No that's alright. Now why don't you come join us in the kitchen. Everyone wants to know more about you and I'm sure TK is missing you."
Thalia grinned yet again before following him into the kitchen where everyone was waiting. If they saw the tear stains on her cheeks then why didn't comment. TK pulled her aside when he could without anyone noticing and asked if she was ok. She simply nodded before pulling him into a hug. She didn't want this moment to end. It was perfect.

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