☽ Chapter IX ☾

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The moon shone high in the sky outside, the room was warm and Catelyn sighed in contentment in the arms of her lord husband, who kissed the top of her head and stroked her fire-like hair. Life was good and she was so, so happy. She had a husband that she loved deeply and beautiful children that she loved even more.

Maybe we will have one more, I miss a baby in my arms to love and care for, she thought, maybe a boy with dark hair and grey Stark eyes. Of all our children, only Arya looks more like Ned.

She still remembered when Robb was born, screaming when he came into the world with his little lungs, with very little red hair and the Tully blue eyes... That was something that at first caused her great concern. But her husband loved his son anyway despite not having the Stark colors, just like the rest of the children. Life had been treacherous in the beginning: Ned was not the one she had first been promised, but his brother instead. But Brandon had been dead and buried for a long time, and the past was not to be broached. Catelyn had learned to love Eddard over time and that was all that mattered.

However, there was something that bothered her at the moment and she was not ashamed or afraid to talk about it (there were two in fact, but she didn't want to remember that the boy existed): "I don't like her, Ned." She said simply, having the notion that her husband would know who she was referring to.

The husband made an inquisitive sound in his throat, a low and deep sound that she loved, and hugged her even closer, bringing her to him. "What do you have against her?" He wanted to know.

Catelyn wrinkled her nose as she chose her words. "The disagreement she had with Theon and the things she said in front of our children did not please me, to begin with."

"Only the elders understood the meaning of her words. In addition, Theon was out of line and has already been scolded."

"Still, I don't want her here."

"She will stay, Cat." Ned's voice had an edge of purpose. Catelyn despised how this conversation was becoming so similar to others that they had before about the bastard.

"But why?" The woman wanted to know. "Do you really trust her? Don't you think it is suspicious that she appears now, after years and years that so many hooligans tried to get hold of her landlord and Moat Cailin?

"So far she has given me no reason to be suspicious of her. She has physical similarities to Harlan, and even better, she has the real Peverell's Valyrian sword." Said her beloved.

"Oh Ned, I don't know..." She sighed thoughtfully. Her husband was so smart and honorable, but he trusted too much. Maybe she was being paranoid, but still... " Trusting on the basis of a sword... We don't know anything about her and her companion."

"We know what they told us."

"Is that enough?"

"It has to be." Ned said.

"But why?"

"If she really is who she says she is, and if I send her away... how do think the other houses will react after seeing the Lord of Winterfell despise an ally house and family friend? Besides, it's the honorable thing to do."

Catelyn frowned, expressing what she thought. "You trust too much."

"Maybe, but Cat, I saw the pain in her eyes when she told me her story, I felt the grief in her voice, all of her was saddened and above all truthful." Confided Eddard kissing Catelyn's perfumed hair again. Ned had already repeated everything that had been revealed by the woman with the greatest precision, and a part of Catelyn couldn't help but pity the young woman despite the other part, the one who suspected her, being bigger. "Our children seem to like her. Try to get to know her and maybe you'll like her too. "

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