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Chapter 48

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Welcome, Severance! You have successfully loaded into the World.

Please take note: the Administrator has made the following changes-

Time Restraints have been removed.
System Limiters have been adjusted.

You have unopened messages.

Time Elapsed: 00:01:46

Severance swayed where he stood, feeling the ground shift beneath his feet. Or maybe it was just him being unsteady. The influx of System messages nearly overwhelmed him. He didn't know what they meant exactly, except it appeared the timer now counted up the time rather than down.

What were the System Limiters and Permissions, then? What did any of that mean?

He stared as the yellow text slowly faded from before him, visible even though he'd still had his eyes closed.

That first sentence was familiar, at least. He recognized it as the same one he'd seen when he first logged into Eliona. Back then, everything had been new and different and so vividly real. The irony struck him hard. His lips pulled back in a silent, humorless smile.

Severance stood, hands tightened into fists to hold them steady, and he took a moment to gather his nerve before he opened his eyes. What he'd see would be reality. Not fiction. And even though nothing would visibly be different, it felt like mountains had crumbled and oceans drained and the entire landscape had morphed into something unrecognizable.

The rapid patter of paws upon stone drew him from his thoughts. The sound lasted only a moment before it vanished.

Severance opened his eyes just in time to catch a glimpse of silver before a freight train slammed into him. He collapsed beneath the impact, breath pushed out of his lungs, and fell heavily on his butt. His poor tailbone took the brunt of it. Hissing, he had no time to react before a heavy weight settled on his lap.

Giant paws clambered over his shoulders, while a warm, rough tongue bathed his face. He turned his head away, disgusted.

"Vast, you big furball. Get off."

When the beast didn't move, Severance tried to shove him off. It didn't work. Vast had somehow gotten even bigger and heavier, and he might as well have been trying to move a mountain.


There was nothing he could do. The vastlhidan was the size of a small horse, built of solid muscle and dense bone. Even if Severance had 30 points in Strength, there was little chance of him getting Vast to budge.

With a happy whine, Vast snuffled through Severance's hair, no doubt drooling all over it. Severance gave in and let the beast have his way.

It was a comfort, if he were being honest. It felt like his entire world had been turned upside down, and though he'd spent a couple of days coming to terms with everything, it was still hard to accept. But Vast was the same as always, huge and enthusiastic and stupidly loyal.

And real. That thought almost made him smile. He'd always wanted a pet fish growing up, but instead, he got a giant wolf-like monster. Well, beggars couldn't be choosers.

"Your breath stinks," Severance informed the beast. "What have you been eating?"

A giggle came from behind him. "Sevvy, you know what he eats. It's sheep!"

He didn't have to crane his head to know who that was. What surprised him was that he hadn't even heard or sensed her approach. Or had she been there before he arrived?

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