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Chapter 36

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"All right, just one more errand, if you don't mind." Rasin gestured towards the main street, and they headed back the way they had come.

"No." Severance didn't mind at all. He couldn't keep the pleased little curve from his lips, and was in a rather cheerful mood. "Where are we going?"

"Just outside the city. Not far. We're meeting up with a hunter. She's got some things that Olen requested."

"A hunter? I thought the clan did all of its own hunting."

"Well, that's true to some extent. But sometimes we just don't have the time or people to spare. Then it's worth paying someone else to do the work."

Considering there were little over two dozen people in the Veiled clan, that made sense. As it was, Severance rarely saw more than a handful of people at the House at any given time. They all probably had a lot of things to do.

They left through one of the city's two main gates, and came to a stop well before the massive bridge. Two Bridges, like its namesake, has two great bridges connecting it to the surrounding land. The city itself sat on a lonely plateau, and without the bridges, no one would have been able to reach it.

"She should be here any moment," Rasin said. He turned, looking out at the canyon. The skies were dipping into the pastel yellows of sunset, creating a warm backdrop of color. Their shadows stretched out behind them.

Severance said nothing, content to enjoy the moment. It was peaceful here, with barely a breeze to stir the air. Birdsong echoed distantly through the canyon. Maybe it was silly of him, but he wished he could spend the rest of his allotted time for the day here, quietly watching the sun set with Rasin.

The man's face was turned towards the sun, his skin cast in golden light. The years had aged and weathered that face, and they hadn't been kind, but Rasin wore it well. He was like a worn rock, having withstood the worst of storms yet still standing; patient, wise, enduring.

In this way, he was different from Fenn. Fenn had been beaten down from the storms of his life, gaining a stoop to his shoulders and a touch of gray to his hair. Though he always had a smile for Severance, there was a weariness about him that never seemed to fade. But Rasin hadn't bowed his head. He stood steady, back straight and head high.

Severance watched that face, and found himself wishing that he could one day possess that kind of strength, that unflappable calm and quiet confidence. Dhin was so very blessed to have such a man as a father. The thought carried a trace of bitter regret, of longing, and then he pushed it all away because that was then and this was now; virtual reality or not, this moment was real and he would hold it tight in his memory because it was the closest he would ever get to having such a thing.

Boots crunched behind them and a voice called out, "Hey, look at this! You really are just waiting for us."

As one, Rasin and Severance turned. A large group of players approached. Severance took one look, recognized the chalice symbol displayed on their armor, and froze.

"Free Traders," he whispered.

Rasin grabbed hold of Severance's arm. "Let's get out–"

Chain whipped out, catching golden light along each link and each razor-sharp tooth. Rasin was forced to leap away as it tore between them. If he hadn't moved, he would have lost an arm.

The chain snapped back to its owner, a tall woman with sharp veridian eyes. She smiled pleasantly. "Why don't you stay?"

Severance's heart sank. He knew her. Maeve Makasa. She was one Ervante's followers, and she'd been there when that creepy clown had him slaughtered outside the Ruins. She knew it too, because what she just said was almost the exact same thing Ervante had.

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