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Chapter 57

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"Where is this?"

Severance looked around warily, turning a slow circle. They'd teleported somewhere, but the place they stood looked like nothing he'd ever seen in Eliona before.

Sand shifted beneath his feet. The air was hot and dry, and just breathing it in felt like it sucked the moisture out of his nose and mouth. A glance up showed a sky so pale it was more gray than blue. He squinted against the brightness of the sun. There were no clouds. No birds. No signs of life.

Dropping his gaze, he took in the ruined buildings around them. They'd been beaten by sun, sand and time until they were barely more than skeletal remains. Had this once been a town? An outpost? How much of the decaying structures had been covered by sand?

"We are in the Lost Lands." Batin walked a few paces ahead. He didn't look back, but his head turned as his attention passed over the ruins before them. "This place is but one of many. We will not be disturbed here."

With that, Batin turned around. His eyes found Severance's and pinned him there like a bug. He held out a hand. "Give me your weapons."

Severance didn't move. The quiet request was completely unexpected. "Why?"

Batin didn't smile. He didn't frown. No expression showed on his otherwise neutral features, but suddenly Severance felt afraid. He took an unconscious half step back, resisting the urge to start looking around for an escape.

"Consider it the favor you owe me for losing the race."

There. Severance only caught it because he was watching Batin, but something flashed through those ebony eyes, like a blade shifting just the right amount so it could catch the light and toss it back. He didn't know what it meant. Getting a read on Batin was nearly impossible.

What he did know, however, was that angering Batin was absolutely the very last thing he wanted to do. He pulled his war fans from Inventory, their comforting weight settling in his hands. The blue crystal set into their joints shone sparkled merrily. It was the only cheerful thing in this ugly wasteland.

He might have stared at them for a moment too long, but Batin didn't say anything. Nor did he move. His hand remained outstretched, waiting with an eerie patience.

The next move was Severance's.

He made himself walk forward, made himself place both fans reluctantly into Batin's hand. Every part of him screamed not to let his only weapons be taken away, especially not when he stood in the presence of a dangerous man. Still, he figured not doing as asked would be even more dangerous.

Plus, he did owe Batin a favor. A favor won unfairly in his opinion, but a favor nonetheless.

Batin slipped the fans inside one of his loose sleeves. Severance's eyes widened slightly as he watched them disappear. Both hands lowering, Batin shifted into a relaxed, neutral stance. Somehow, the fans he's just tucked up his sleeve didn't fall out. It made Severance wonder what else was hidden in there.

"Now, let's begin." Batin moved like he talked, a calm, measured walk that brought him closer. "The first lesson I will teach you is acceptance."


Unable to help himself, Severance shifted another step back. He didn't like this at all. Why couldn't they have gotten someone nicer to teach him, like Dhin? Or even Maun? Annoying as that guy was, he at least acted personable most of the time. Batin was like all the dark scary things that creeped through the night; a nightmare walking on two legs.

"Yes, Severance. Pain is inevitable. It is a consequence of the lives we choose to lead, so we must learn to accept it. This is the first, and perhaps most important lesson you will learn."

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