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Chapter 28

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Both children crowded around him. Tayci, in a black jumper with little black boots, doubled over, hands on her knees, and chortled like she'd just seen the funniest thing in her life.

"Vast thinks you're a rug, Sev! Hahahaha!"

Severance didn't think it was all that funny. Even Mirren, the little brat, was trying to hide a grin behind his hands.

"Do you think you can get him off me? Please?"

Vast glanced at the children for a moment, then lowered his head onto his front paws. His tail wagged slowly back and forth, brushing against Severance's legs. Its length had grown to ridiculous proportions; it was nearly as long as the rest of Vast himself now.

"Okay," Tayci giggled. "We'll try!"

Both she and Mirren tried to coax the annoying silver beast first, but he didn't bother to listen. Next, they tried to shove and pull, their little hands grabbing onto fistfuls of fur. That made Severance wince, because that had to have hurt. Yet Vast just grunted and stiffened, bracing himself against their attempts.

Throughout it all, Mouna kept her head bowed to her task. It was like they never even existed. Severance felt somewhat hurt.

And then Rasin came by, his entire frame shaking with barely suppressed laughter. "So, this is where you kids ran off to, eh?"

Thoroughly past the point of preserving any pride, Severance begged, "Help."

Humor dancing in his eyes, Rasin leaned down and picked up Vast. He did so easily despite Vast having to be close to seventy pounds. The animal didn't appreciate it, and immediately twisted and growled until Rasin let him go.

By then, Severance had scrambled to his feet, so Vast promptly bounded over and threw himself against Severance's legs. The weight nearly knocked Severance over again, but he managed to keep his footing.

"Stop that," he hissed, thoroughly annoyed.

Vast stilled, looking up with big, round eyes that shone a stunning silver blue. He made a soft, gentle whine deep in his throat, while quietly, his tail slowly snaked around Severance's leg.

Severance scowled, even as his irritation instantly halved. Stupid beast. He reached down, intending to tug Vast away from his feet, but somehow, the moment his fingers sunk into that soft, warm fur, he ended up petting the vastlhidan instead. Vast leaned into his hand.

"This thing is a nuisance," Severance muttered.

"A noo-sance?" Tayci repeated, then looked up at Rasin. "What's that?"

With a fond smile, Rasin reached out and gave one of her pigtails a gentle tug. She squealed and ran a few steps away, both hands going to guard her pigtails. "Hey!"

Rasin chuckled. "It means Sev thinks Vast is being bad."

"But Vast isn't bad!" Tayci looked horrified at the idea. "He was just really happy to see you, Sev! Vast didn't mean to be bad!"

I'm sure that's exactly what he meant, Severance thought sourly. Animals were annoying at best. Especially this one. He scratched behind Vast's ear, scowling as Vast panted happily, his eyes half-closed in pleasure. Ungrateful beast.

"How's everything been?" Severance directed the question to Rasin, hoping the clansman would understand what he was asking. With the children around, he wasn't sure how much could or would be said.

"Surprisingly quiet," Rasin said. He smiled as Tayci and Mirren plopped themselves on the ground by Vast and started petting his soft silver fur. Vast didn't seem to mind, his tongue lolling out the side of his mouth.

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