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Chapter 14

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Severance wondered if the people standing in front of him were missing a few screws. Did they really think that he'd actually want to ditch his own Clan to join theirs? Maybe the Veiled were a little questionable at times, but at least they weren't a crackpot den of evil clowns.

He frowned at MissMe. "Is this all you wanted to talk about?"

"Is this all?" Ervante repeated, his tone suggesting he was positively scandalized. "You dare to speak thus, after all I've taken care to explain? Such flippancy!"

You know what? Severance shifted his weight, glancing over the side of the skybridge. I've had enough. I'd rather play with Vast then deal with this crazy crap.

"Sorry, I'm not really interested."

"Preposterous fool!" Ervante threw up his hands. "Though perhaps I should not be so quick to pass judgement, for no doubt your perspective has been shaded most predominantly by the Veiled propaganda. Thus, I will allow you some time to ponder your decision—for it is one most important and bears careful consideration—and in the meantime, I shall endeavour to grant you a proper education."

Yeah whatever. Like he was going to waste braincells trying to make sense of what the clown said, other than the gist of it being a threat. It wasn't the first time Severance had been threatened in this game. He was almost getting used to it.

Without bothering to reply, he turned away, though he wasn't quite brave enough to turn his back entirely to either MissMe or Ervante.

"System," he said while warily keeping an eye on them, "Clan House."

As his vision became flecked with snow, he caught MissMe shaking her head and Ervante staring at him, his gaze burning with malice.


Silence filled the room.

Severance hated it. He wanted someone to speak, to break that oppressive quiet, yet the Veiled gathered around him were content to wait. He didn't know what they were waiting for.

He wasn't even sure why he was here to start with. No sooner had he returned from his weird meeting with the Traders than Olen had invited him into the dining room. There, seated at one of the long tables, were the seven branch representatives of the Veiled clan.

He'd taken a seat at the end next to Olen, who was kind enough to run through quick introductions.

There was the Clan Head, Agadhi, with his righthand man Olen beside him. On the other side of him was Maun, wearing a serious expression for once. If there was any sign that this little impromptu meeting was very important, then that would be it.

Bian and Batin, both of whom Severance was familiar with, were there. They gave him a slight nod in greeting. Kamau, the gruff fellow that Severance had only met in passing, merely grunted in acknowledgement.

The last person was a woman he'd never met. Hassiba bore an old, gruesome scar upon her face. It went from her chin up into her hairline, bisecting right through one eye. It was clear she'd lost that eye, but she didn't bother with an eyepatch. Nor did she use her hair to hide it, for her ebony locks were tightly braided against her scalp, as if ensuring that her grievous injury would be visible to all.

A full minute passed like an eternity, during which everyone watched Agadhi. The man appeared to be lost in thought, his gaze hooded while he lightly tapped a finger against the table. It made no sound.

Eventually, the finger stopped. Agadhi broke the silence. "It seems we have a problem."

Maun dipped his head in a nod. "Hm."

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