Chapter 1- Abducted

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Miguel wakes up one more day to go to school, the day was cold, so he put another coat over his shirt, went to the bathroom to fix his hair, his hair was already needing a cut, and looking at the his colors, Miguel remembered how he stood out among all due to his hair being very black and his eyes very light, making a great contrast

He washes his face and goes down to breakfast, he goes to the kitchen and finds his mother, who was stirring eggs and his father who put the dishes on the table. Including Catarina's dishes

-mom ... dad ... good morning- he replies without much enthusiasm, they respond by forcing a smile

- your father then puts his sister's favorite plate and mug on the table

All these actions only take a long sigh from miguel, who comes closer and speaks - you should stop insisting on this, catarina is no longer here

-but she is my son, she is in our hearts and symbolically sitting in that chair, now we are going to eat - her mother talks tiredly, starting to wash the pots

-Yes Miguel, your mother is right, she will always be with us -With the words of his father, the boy gives up the discussion and begins to add the eggs to the bread

He says goodbye with a kiss to his parents and starts walking to school

There was nothing pleasant to see, just everyone's trash and homes.
Miguel went pensively, starting in the frozen city "so it's been two years ... I hope you are well wherever you are sister" ... walking, the boy is taken out of his thoughts by an already known voice

-looks only if you're not crazy about the aliens- Rick, a tall 17-year-old boy who studied at his school, he was already bullying before the incident and his appointment with miguel only got worse after his sister left

He breathes, and without looking back he starts running

-Hey!! Come back, you coward! -Miguel was not in the mood to pick a fight today, but his body was easy to reach, since he was short and slim compared to the others

As soon as he arrived at school, with luck only with the corner of his mouth cut off after a fist and punch, he quickly goes to his office, sits at the desk and lowers his head, waiting for the teacher

His school life was not good, he could not study much, nor pay attention, and with that his grades got worse, he had no close friends and the teachers used to ignore him

Just fingers pointing towards him when he said something

On leaving school, he hurries to go home, he didn't want Rick to find him again, but it didn't help, after turning the corner near a small forest, Miguel hides to see if Rick passes by without realizing
"When in doubt it is better not to go this way ... maybe if I go through this forest I will get home"

He follows more and more, the trees that he saw, started to repeat themselves
-my god, I think this forest is bigger than I expected

Miguel only stops when suddenly he hears
It freezes the boy's body, he looks frantically around

But there's no time, when his body bends backwards, something big pushes him with a net against the floor
-But what! - he doesn't even have time to speak, he hears a gurgle, it's not possible, there's no way, it's them !!

A sting goes through his neck, and with a small cry, miguel lets his head fall against the ground, the grass in that forest was the only thing he saw before it went out.

Pov Zigmunt

Young Nimidax was working in his company's office when he suddenly got a call

And without knowing the number answers
-Hello, who's speaking ?

-Good afternoon Mr. Zigmunt, this is the pet sales and care center secretary - the female voice on the other end of the call speaks

As soon as Zig listens to the woman at the pet shop, he already knew what it was -yes! May I help

-I called to inform you that next week, in 9 days, we will be receiving a new shipment of animals, including 3 humans, you will be able to choose

-How excellent! thank you so much for calling

-I appreciate it, have a nice day

As soon as the phone hangs up, zig takes a deep breath trying to contain his euphoria and quickly calls his friend Tora
-Tora! Tora! you will not believe -the friend on the other side answers sleepy

-good morning to you too

-I will be literally choosing my human next week!

-this is very good man! congratulations! Laila will win a new friend

-Yes! I am willing to take any type, from the wildest to the most calm, any human I will love very much

- that's how you talk

-I'm going to work now, bye!


As soon as the phone hangs up, zig goes back to work excitedly, already thinking about what his next days will be like until the arrival of his new pet

~~thanks to everyone who read this far, comment what you think please, I hope everyone is well!  bye and see you next time!! <3 ~~

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