chapter 22- Sick

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Pov Zigmunt

The other day, I was getting ready to work while watching felix watching the images that were shown on TV

I got a call from my mother who was planning lunch this weekend, she was unable to speak to me before due to the event with Flex, I quickly remembered that it was a family party for Nartir, my brother, who finally got a job

I would have to go anyway, I rarely see him

I hang up the phone and go to my pet, he looks at me confused.
I decide to play with him a little before I go to work

Lately I've been working on playing things with flex, I saw that and stuff like that increase our sides of affection

I take a ball and go beside him, he keeps watching me

I throw the ball forward, squeezing out his answer.
He doesn’t have a very fast reaction, suspicious gets up after some time walks up to the ball

- play for me baby!  - I nod to him

He frowned a little in confusion, ending up laughing with his reaction
He crouches down and catches the ball that was big for him, having a hard time grabbing

Walking slowly towards me and handing me the ball
-good boy flex!  Good boy - I smile and rub his back, I see him looking away and he turns red, I feel happy seeing that his reactions are coming back

I throw the ball a few more times, it starts kicking back at me

After a while I put him in his room and go out to work

I realize how hesitant he was to be in his room alone, but I leave his toys and go out


The work was smooth, I had thought about flex and how he would react when we were at the party, I hadn't noticed how nervous he was with others like us

That feeling that I have starts to come back, the feeling that I am not able to take care of Flex as it deserves

Returning home, I open the door and put my things in, going straight to my pet's room

Steady surprised when I find flex almost in the same place that I left it before

I go in and go to him a little worried
-what was friend?  How are you?  - he looked kind of soft, I take him by the arm

As soon as I hold my hand on his thin arm, I realize how hot he is

He falls on my shoulders and closes his eyes
- calm friend, everything will be alright, everything will be alright - I take the things closest to me and take him straight to the vet

He looked tired, his face red and his body limp, I was getting more and more worried

As fast as I could, I reach the clinic and ask for urgent care

It doesn't take more than 10 minutes and the flex doctor arrives

He arrives in a hurry and takes the human from my arm, flex does not fight and just lets himself go

I follow the doctor to his office and see when he flexes and removes the blanket that I wrapped in him

Soon his clothes are also taken off and his body is lying on his side on the table

He picks up the instruments and gives a quick breath, soon after checking his temperature

When the thermometer was positioned, a cry of discomfort and letting go of flex, but he keeps quiet

-hmm, by my data I think it is a common disease in humans ... it is affected at any age of pets and
Appears frequently on his home planet- the doctor finally speaks

- then it will be fine?

-yes yes, we are just going to do the treatment, he will take this medicine 2 times a day for 4 days, at most in the first two doses his fever will pass and he will already look well, but it is necessary that you continue the treatment so that  your body does not have the symptoms again

-okay doctor, thank you- i talk while i receive the hologram with your information

- other than that, he needs rest, water and a lot of affection, try to stay close to him, and pay attention that he will feel better

The doctor must have noticed that flex was a little bit down, because of the incident at the party ...

I pay for the consultation, the doctor returns my little boy's clothes and I wrap him up again in the blanket

Buy the medicine at the clinic and go home

I remember him saying that if flex doesn't want to eat I have two alternatives: slightly bend his head and put water in his mouth, and second, I can dilute the medicine and give it to him through the syringe

Flex is a stubborn human, so I need to learn to deal with situations like this

I take the small flex by my arms and quickly take it to the living room, leave it lying on the sofa and go to the kitchen to prepare the pill

First I hold it lightly in your head, pick up the pill and touch it in you mouth so that it opens

He even opens his mouth, which makes me happy, but as soon as I push the pill, I see his little body struggling on the sheets

He soon spits out, I try again, now with a bottle of him, I push the pill and put water

He shakes his head but I do away with his jaw
-it's for your flex good, take the medicine please

He finally swallows, his body was sweating a lot, worried about this reaction I research on the internet

Finally finding a site about human, I think his body dropping water means that the temperature will return to normal, and that he can take a shower to feel better

I breathe a sigh of relief, I think it's better to bathe then, he can relax

I take him to the bathroom, take off all the cloths and dip his thin little body in the water

He seemed to relax, he was probably enjoying it

He didn't fight in the shower this time, he just kept quiet

I then lift it out of the water and wrap it in the towel

I get a slight fright when something starts rubbing against my chest

And my heart swells with love when I realize that flex was trying to caress me, he seemed to be sleeping, but he reacted drowsily

I laugh and hold it more affectionately

I wrap his body with new and fluffy sheets, he is lying on his bed

His face turns slightly red, he snuggles up and ...

My eyes light up with the scene

How can there be a being as precious as him?

That little human smile he gave, without showing his teeth, just a folded shyness on his lips

I caress his head and he finally sleeps completely.

I do not know when I will see flex smile again, he always looked like a human so proud and angry ...

But I would very much like him to be able to open up to me, and to be able to see him smile every day like other humans.

~~ hello guys, sorry for being innate for a while, ihope everyone is well and hope to post more now too lol,  until the next chapter🤗

Bad little human petМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя