Chapter 6- owner

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Warning: this chapter contains panic and anxiety

Pov Zigmunt

No matter how long we walked through those corridors, the human didn't relax

He was extremely cute and small, they had very silky black hair and very blue eyes

His body was so tiny that I could only see his scalp while holding it to my chest

He was shaking a lot, and I could feel his ribs when I ran my fingers over the clothes he wore

We got to the cashier, he was a man of the Trarantulus race, he had tentacles coming out from under his arms that worked as hands too

-good morning sir, will you want to buy only the human or need something else?

I thought well, I think it's best to look for a doctor or a veterinarian other than the one here, maybe call my friend to find out the recommendations

-I'll take it myself - I say simplistically, I hold it with only one arm, and I take the card with the other hand, handing it to the cashier

-you took one of the breeds that comes with a gift box - he informs me, well, I didn't have to buy it, and I'm sure I will

... after paying for my new human, I go to the car and open the back door, and slowly I move the human away from my arms
- shhhh calm now .. shhh I'm just going to put it in the shipping box ... you'll be fine

I thought it best to go straight to the vet as he doesn't look very well, and before he falls asleep too

As soon as he gets out of my grip, his eyes look at my face wide and scared, he draws his eyebrows and snarls at me

- calm calm - as soon as I grab the box with the other hand, it is enough for him to start pushing again, trying to get rid of my grip, but I won't let him, I don't want him to run and end up falling from some dangerous place

Screams from him come out undisturbed, and as soon as I reach my other hand to take him, a bite hits me, humans only bite when all their defenses are gone

And I felt sad that he was so afraid of me, but I had nothing to do, I am a stranger to him yet

With my bitten hand, I grab his waist and push him into the carrying case, when his body enters, I pull my hand weakly and close the door.

The human spends a few seconds looking at me and quickly runs to the back of the box.

I take a deep breath, getting his trust will be very difficult

I tie the box to the front seat of the car and start it

As soon as the car lifts off the ground with the magnetic force I hear a scream coming out
-You never drove a car before, don't you baby?

I’m going at a little slow speed so I don’t scare you with speed

Halfway there I call Tora
-Hello Tora?

-Hi Zig, have you caught the human yet?

- yes he is already with me, then I tell you the deahes, but do you know any vet that is good around?

-Yes, what is in the center is where I take Laila, the doctor is very good there, he is super careful and very good with ferocious humans too

-Great, I'll take my human there, soon after, bye

Tora understood that I was in a hurry, and even though I noticed the concern in his voice, he understood and was objective with what I wanted

Before I continue, I look into the box, the little one was huddled, his knees on his chest and he was looking at me with that angry face he had, and just out of the corner of his eye

-everything I do will be for your good ok?  I will strive to become his best friend ...- I speak and I am pensive and nervous, I do not want him to hate me forever without even knowing how I am

But I admit that his visit to the vet may leave him a little more angry

I start the car again and follow the vet

Pov Miguel

The box I was in started to move, screaming at me

I start peeking through the cracks in the holes in the box and through the door too

It was a white room, with a big counter, my box is on the floor, I hear different sounds and also the voice of the monster that carried me

Soon the alien that looked like a lizard (zig) lifts me up and puts it on top of a seat, he sits next to me, I go to the opposite side and hold my legs against my chest again, my body was already getting used to  stay in that position, I didn't even feel the discomfort in my joints anymore

He starts saying something to me in a voice that seems to be soothing again, but I growl at him, I don't want his friendship

It doesn't take 5 minutes ago that a door is opened and another alien that I never saw, light brown coming out, he talks to the giant lizard that takes me inside

I start to shake again, I squeeze myself into the corner of the cage even more, wanting to disappear.

Thank you to everyone who read this far, what are you thinking about this whole situation?  much health and peace for all!  Until the next chapter

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