Chapter 20- party at work

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Miguel Pov

It had been two weeks since I got into a fight in that park

Just remembering that already irritates me right away

--Flaskback --

-wow but how cute ... it looks like a baby so small -the woman teases me

I had only approached them and tried to fit in but it seems that even on an alien planet I am bound to be bullied

Remembering the memories of my life before I was abducted, always running and being beaten

My fists close

-what did you say? - i ask with curses

-no, you can't stay with us 3, we are parade humans, with beautiful and rustic bodies, not short and skinny like yours- the man speaks to turn around

-these eyes do not match your tousled hair, Do you bathe in the house you are in? ,oh my God...

-wants to know? I don't give a shit about what you think of me, I don't mind not having friends, so much for having friends as rotten as you, who need to step on others to feel better - I spit the words out, I planned to try to get away with them, but apparently there are only idiots around here

The 3 humans don't seem to be affected, of course, right? I'm angry, this is what they want

But I can't keep this anger from me, I had the characteristics of my grandmother, it was explosive and stubborn

-FUCK YOU, I'M ALREADY FUCKED WITH THAT SHIT! - I shout loudly and when I realize I'm caught in the gecko's arms

it takes me quickly to where I was,

But I was so swallowed by anger that I didn't notice how much time passed before I jumped on those guys again

I punched and kicked that man with all my strength, he would soon be able to get me out and I would be beaten, but if I had at least turned his face purple it was enough

I come back to reality when a kick hits me in the belly, I choke and fall on my side

I was grabbed again and held tightly
I see another alien arriving and seems to be yelling at my owner who was speaking softly, is he apologizing for me?

The pain in my belly was bearable, but agonizing

I can't reason what my owner is saying to me, but surely it is a sermon, I just lie down and hope that he gets tired of warning me

Because it was making me really sad somehow...

He lifts my clothes and exposes my bare chest, I watch when he rubs something cold on my belly and ties a bandage

More memories see my head, anger comes back
-What did I do to deserve this !! Nobody cares about me, I'm just a substitute for my sister! A shadow, everybody despises me! Nobody cares if I like to read or study geography !! If I like video games and electronic music !! I hate myself!! I hate you all!! - I was red and hitting the floor when I remembered, my arms are hollowed out and I continue to hear everything around me when two huge arms come over my chest

I still keep beating for a few minutes, but well ... it passed, my anger passed

I just remember to hug him in excuses and be quiet the rest of the way "

--End of flashback--

It was better, at least to have screamed at the gecko was not in vain

I watch on the sofa when he starts to move quickly around the room, he comes up to me and picks me up

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