chapter 8- home

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Warning:this chapter contains anxiety, panic and some disconfortable situations

Pov Zigmunt

Seeing my little human so uncomfortable on that table broke me into pieces, I was very worried if he was going to be okay

Even if it's just routine tests to check if he had any illness or if he was healthy, his face was so upset, because he didn't know what was happening to him

He was a wild human until recently, he is not used to places like that, unlike other humans raised in captivity

I sit in the office chair and just watch, I don't know how he would react if I approached or tried to do something

His eyes meet mine, he had that angry face on him, but with confusion when he looked at me

Flex twitches a little when his arm is already taking serum, but he fixes himself to look at me

-he seems to be recognizing you Mr. Zigmunt - the doctor speaks, is it ?!  He spent 5 minutes looking at my face, I was worried about him, and he noticed it

The doctor left to go see another creature after 10 minutes

I approached him, and he growled, quietly and with his body still, with the effect of the tranquilizer,

-It's going to be okay Flex, you're a good boy, you're just scared, but don't be afraid, I'm here to be with you- I keep talking for a long time, he looked elsewhere, a little red too, one  I saw on the internet that when the human being turns red, it means that some feeling of him gets stronger

A half hour passes, I noticed that flex was getting more impatient and angry

The doctor arrives just in time
-Is he more awake already?

-Yes, you already want to remove the sero-phallus by bringing my arms closer to the human, so that he calms down a little, despite not having much effect

The doctor smiles so I can calm down and he removes the Flex serum, placing a bandage on the spot

Flex tries to get up, already starting to scream again
-you better get him, since you are the owner-the doctor says, I get a little tense for fear of doing something wrong, but hold tight under your arms

He starts struggling - shh shh, calm calm calm - I always refer to him in a calm voice, he turns his gaze away from mine and starts kicking, shaking his head sideways and grunting

I put him in the transport box, he hurriedly runs to the back and sits in the same position as always

I say goodbye to the doctor and thank you for your patience, I go back with my human to the car, he was quiet until we got home, taking off his scare again when the car started to run

When I get home, I open the door and first breathe, so this is where my life begins with him

I look at the box expectantly and go into the room I prepared for him, there were toys, a drinking fountain, but then I stop and think ...

"a bed! I forgot about the bed!" I didn't even touch myself when I put in my mental reminders of buying a bed on the way home

I look at my watch, it's too late and I think the stores have already closed

I couldn't leave him sleeping on the floor, humans get muscle pain over time if they sleep too long on something hard

I'll put him to sleep in my room then, but I didn't know that I wouldn't be able to sleep that night

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