chapter 2- space

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Attention: This chapter contain cases of some disorders, anxiety, fear and panic attacks

hello everyone, before I start reading I would like to say that I separated the lines from the aliens (which I left as "-example") since humans cannot understand what they say, have a good read ~~

The ship was flying through space, at a galactic speed, passing through all the uninhabited planets of the Via lactea

A group of aliens of the Sarcotela race were in charge of working in that division, all separated in their functions, among them taking care of the animals recently taken from the planets.

As soon as Miguel was caught, the employee responsible for the first cares quickly made himself available, the unconscious boy is caught in his arms on top of the ship, they take him to a room with aluminum and metal walls, and a bathtub with supplies, Miguel is  placed in the bathtub while the alien goes from the shelf where "human" is written on his tongue, he takes the body soap, shampoo for his fur and new fabric clothes, all the clothes were big colored cotton sweaters

Soon his clothes are removed and a bath is carefully given to the human

When Miguel is already clean and smelling, he is handed over to the arm of the alien who was taking care of the monitoring part in the cells, she walks through the huge ship and places it on one of the cell floors.

As the boy was half the size of these aliens, he stayed in the cages that were higher, with a bed of hay covered with a blanket for human, a pillow, a faucet built into the wall, and a small bathroom, with only  toilet

The alien who took care of the food meets the woman holding Miguel

-Be careful not to hit him on something, you know how fragile humans are Fiana

-Of course, I'm already experienced in that, you can leave the man for a little while to look at the little one -he is very cute right

-Yes, humans are increasingly becoming one of the most ordered breeds we have in store

The conversation continues, miguel is put calmly in bed and the two leave the place

Pov Miguel

My head was spinning, still numb from the injection I took, I rolled out of bed a few times, and tired I preferred to stay lying there,

That's when I realize everything that happened, my heart starts to pump adrenaline frantically.
"I had the same fate as my sister"

A mixture of sadness and hatred invades my conscious, I hold my hair and I feel euphoric

"Where am I going, what will become of me ?!"

The images of your mom and dad invade my head, they must be looking for me now

Tears really want to escape his face, but he holds it, panicked and anxious, he gets up quickly from the bed, and shivering near the front to see better, he was in an iron cage, tall, probably if he fell there he would break his  legs

He was very angry, and despite the sadness, the grudge takes over his heart, he will spend the rest of his life away from the one he loves, from the only two people important to him

I hold my head, look around and ... "calm !!! calm fuck! You have to stay calm!" I start to breathe deeply, holding my breath and counting 5 seconds to let go

If he spent an hour in the dark with me trying to calm down, and I was better, the technique had even had some effect

The only feeling I had left now was hate, it really stayed in my heart

"I want to make these filthy aliens angry, I will give a lot of work to whoever I am, they will feel the anger that I am feeling"
Narrator POV

Miguel hears a door open, his first reaction was to run in a panic, he is on a bed and he holds the pillow in his arms, he puts his legs up to his chest and buries his head in the pillow, praying that the monster will not come to eat  him or pick it up to do experiments

He hears the footsteps approach

They were the footsteps of the alien who came to put food for everyone, he put it according to the species

When the green guy (the Sarcotela) notices that Miguel woke him up for a little while
-woke up baby?  Is everything okay out there? -
He asks even though the human is not going to answer, since humans only make different sounds related to the feelings they are feeling

Sacortela cautiously opens the cage to put his food, with gloves on

Bricc (the name of the alien man) notices that the little human starts to shake
- calm big boy, calm down, everything will be fine, you're fine now ... shhhh

When his hand with large, thick claws touches Miguel's hair, the boy goes into despair

He turns his head to the opposite side of his hand, and screams so loudly, that the other alien woman comes running to see what's going on

-what happened to him?!

- I do not know!  Out of nowhere he started screaming really loud!

Miguel's breathing was already ending, the woman approaches, puts on another glove and starts to rub his back calmly

Miguel continues to scream, his back to his captors, gripping the cushion tightly

-get some water

The sarcotela man makes a puddle with his hands, the woman tries to lay down miguel, who was already red from screaming, causing even the crying of other animals

Her fingers press on the human’s jaw and water is poured into his throat,

The boy continues to hold the pillow tightly, almost letting new tears escape if his eyes
- finally he calmed down now

-he doesn't seem to be feeling well yet, let's leave him alone

Miguel is finally left alone in his cell, his throat burned, he holds the pillow strong and begins to pray facing the corner of the wall, hoping to open his eyes and wake up in his room again...

~ Thank you for reading my story, I hope everyone is well and until the next chapter <3 ~

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