~ the one with christmas time

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Alex keeps looking around as she walks along the forest edge by the house, throwing Olly's ball for him again. He almost blends into the snow except for the grey circles around his blue eyes. "Good boy." She coos as he brings it back, dropping it to her feet. She throws it again and walks slowly as he runs off to get it.

She looks around, taking a deep breath as she reminds herself she's safe. She has a gun. She has a phone. Olly isn't fond of other people - she's fine, he'll do enough damage for her to run away. She sees Oliver looking at something in the trees, staring at it as his nose twitches.

He begins to bark loudly, staring into the trees. She frowns, clipping his lead on. "Hey, what's got your panties in a twist?" She says, rubbing his sides.

What she can't see, smell or hear that Oliver can is the 6ft wolves patrolling just under a mile away, listening out for any signs of distress. Today it's Seth and Brady, last night it was Sam and Paul. They're taking turns with the help of the odd Cullen. Since it's Christmas eve, when the sun sets the vamps will take over so the wolves can be with family.

"Cmon, let's go. I bet you're hungry like I am." Alex says as she picks Olly up and carries him the short walk home. She checks the house before she locks up properly, constantly glancing out of the kitchen window as she coos. She gives Olly some fresh food and sits at the table, eating quietly.

The cruiser parks up and Charlie climbs out, glancing around out of habit. He's just at the top of the steps when Alex has the door open for him, a smile on both their faces. "Hi." He says, pulling her close.

"Hi." She says, kissing him.

Olly instantly jumps up at Charlie and said man falls to his knees. "There's my boy hi!!!" He gushes, fussing over him as Alex closes the door with an eye roll. "You're all wet, have you been in the snow?" He coos, laughing as Olly licks him.

"We have. He must've been spooked by something, he wouldn't stop barking." She says as she sits down again and pours Charlie a coffee.

He pulls his work shirt off and throws it at the wash basket at the bottom of the stairs leaving him in a white t-shirt. "I wonder what." Charlie says, acting like he doesn't know. He figured Olly would pick up the scents eventually, he's getting older and more used to the area.

"So what's our Christmas plans?" Alex says as she sips her coffee.

"Cammy is cooking here all day since apparently our kitchen is bigger - the houses are basically the same but whatever." He rolls his eyes. "We'll eat about 1 and then we can do presents when Bella and Edward get here."

"They aren't coming for food?" Alex asks though she knows the answer.

"No, they have lunch with Edwards family. Have since they got married." He shrugs.

"Oh, I see." She nods. She's never seen Bella or Edward eat and for some reason that's strange to her. The 7 or so months that she's been with Charlie, you'd think she'd have seen something. It bugs her. "It's a shame, would've been nice to have them here all day."

"Maybe next year." Charlie kisses her cheek. "I'm gonna go shower. Wanna join me?" He winks.

Alex laughs. "Maybe later." She says as the doorbell rings. "That will be Cam."

"Oh I'm off." He says, rushing upstairs as Alex answers the door.

Cammy grins. "Merry Christmas! Come help me grab the food." She says.

Alex rolls her eyes and slips her boots on, going to help Cammy grab some bags. As she's outside, alone, she looks up as a car slows down. Her heart leaps as she sees John park up and get out. "Hi love."

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