~ the one with a life changing moment

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Alex looks over the files as she sorts them. "Did no one think to do this sooner?" She mutters, looking around the room.

Charlie leans in the doorway. "The last receptionist could barely handle the phones."

"I am not a receptionist." She points, scowling. "I offered to help so we could actually go away for our anniversary." She says, huffing.

Charlie laughs and comes over, wrapping his arms around her. "We'll be out of here by 4:30 at the latest." He promise.

She leans against him and sighs. "Good. We deserve time away." She whispers.

Charlie kisses her cheek. "Stop worrying, okay? He hasn't shown his face in a while, he's gone."

She smiles small and nods. "I know. It's a good thing." She forces a smile and watches him go.

It's definitely not a good thing.

Why has her psychotic crazy ex suddenly gone missing?! What's he planning? Where is he?

She hates to constantly think about him still, but since around February, about 3 months ago, he's been MIA. He hasn't driven by the house 5 times a day. He hasn't been sat waiting at the distance he's allowed for her to pass by, he hasn't sent a bunch of notes in the mail.

Has Charlie killed him?

Course he hasn't, but it did briefly cross her mind.

Where the heck is he?

She shakes her head to clear it and finishes one pile of paperwork, moving onto the next. She never thought she'd work another day in a station but here she is, volunteering to help out. Like she said, it's only so they can get going sooner. They're headed away to a cabin for the weekend since they just surpassed their anniversary. Charlie has been working a lot and Alex has had an influx of business - courtesy of the Cullens and their friends - so they haven't had time. They're determined to get out of here today, thought.

"Alex?" Charlie calls sheepishly.

She sighs and looks at the sky for a moment. "Go. We'll go away another weekend, I'll call and cancel the cabin." She calls.

Charlie smiles in his girls direction before rushing out. They've just been called to help out a few towns over and as the chief, he can't not go. Sue hated this part of the job but as an ex-cop, Alex gets it.

She finishes up for the afternoon and heads home, smiling as Olli runs over. "Hi bubby." She coos, scratching his ear. Though still a puppy in age, he no longer is in size. He's a lot bigger now and half the time hes walking her rather than her walking him.

The doorbell rings just as she gets settled on the couch, a sigh leaving her lips as she pulls herself up and goes to answer it. She frowns deeply as she sees two familiar faces - old colleagues, from her old precinct. "Hooper, Jones." She says.

"Alex." Hooper nods, his dark eyes intimidating. He's a bit younger than her and smug about it.

Alex leans on the door frame, her hand on Ollie's head to keep him still as he sits beside her. "What the heck is going on? You're a long way from home."

Jones nods, her eyes just as hard. "A long way."

Alex raises an eyebrow. "Does anyone want to tell me why or are we just going to give each other hard stares?"

Jones glances at Hooper for a moment before she crosses her arms over her chest. "Where's John."

Alex suddenly laughs. "Oh. Oh you're serious? I don't know and I don't care. I have a restraining order against him for a reason. Why?"

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