~ the one with a close call

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Alex snaps back to it, her breathing heavy. "What..."

Carlisle runs a damp cloth over her head. "You had a seizure, you're okay. Calm down."

"C-Calm?" Alex whisper yells. "Cal- arghhh!" She yells, grabbing her belly. "This-this is still happening then." She pants.

Carlisle nods. "I'm afraid so. I know you hate me right now and I accept that but please let me help you, please." He pleads as she turns over and gets on her hands and knees on the couch.

"You got drugs?" She asks, rocking her hips. "Coz I promise to forgive you if you do."

Carlisle chuckles small. "You're too far gone - your contractions are less than 2 minutes apart, I'd estimate you're 9 centimetres dilated or close enough."

"I would really r-rather you not look." Alex groans, resting her head on the arm of the couch.

"So would I but I'm here as your doctor, okay, and you'd have to let them look. So...."

Alex groans and grumbles as she steps down, Carlisle going to wash his hands. She let's him do his thing, despite how much more uncomfortable it makes her.

"You're fully dilated." He says, urgently disappearing out of the room.

"That means I push, right? Please say its time to push." She begs, watching him as he comes back in.

"Not yet." He throws some towels down and makes a space on the floor, grabbing water and blankets. "On the floor."

"I like it he-"

"Floor. Now!" He snaps.

Alex sticks her tongue out and moves herself to the floor, leaning against the back of the couch. "N-Now can I push!?" She growls as another contraction hits.

"Did I say you could!?" Carlisle demands. He meets Esme at the door. "Handle the Charlie situation and, if you can't get him, find Bella." He orders, taking the suplies. He rushes back and dumps his things.

Alex's eyes light up. "Drugs?"

"You're too far gone, Lex, I'm sorry. Now it's time to push." He says, slipping gloves on and emptying the bag out.

Alex whines. "I want Charlie."

"Esme is finding him okay? If we can get him here without looking suspicious we will but right now I don't give a hoot about him, I care about you. Push." He orders.

Alex takes a deep breath and pushes as hard as she can, giving it all. She realises, too late, that that's a bad idea as she quickly runs out of energy. Oh so now she doesn't want to come? The fast contractions was just a ha ha joke and now she's staying out?

"I-I can't." Alex says tiredly, leaning her head back with her eyes closed.

Carlisle rubs her knee. "You can. I see her head, you're doing so good. If this was easy, men would be able to do it too right?" He tries to joke.

Alex smiles tiredly. "You guys couldn't h-handle this." She lifts her head and braces again, taking a deep breath as she pushes hard.

"Alex, I see her! She has so much dark hair, holy crap." Carlisle smiles wide.

"Fucking Charlie!!!" She growls, pushing harder as the contraction lingers. Shes seen Cammy do this a million times and to be honest? She's handled it better than Cammy ever did - and Cammy had an epidural each time.

Carlisle grabs a towel and catches the baby, instantly moving her to Alex's chest. "Well done Alex well done!" He praises as he rubs Stella's back.

clean slate | charlie swanNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ