~ the one with some normality

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Alex lays in bed for a moment as she listens to Charlie shower. This is their normal.... This is it. No more crazy ex husbands. No more jealous girlfriends - well, they'll probably bump into Sue but they've made their impression on her now. Life is somewhat normal despite the vampire stepdaughter and her family.

Alex shakes her head and pulls herself up, grabbing some leggings and a loose top. She rubs her belly and smiles. "Good morning, poppet." She whispers as she feels her girl kick.

Charlie rubs his hair as he comes in. "She awake?" He smiles.

"She is. We really have to think of a name you know. I don't like constantly calling her 'she' and I definitely hate people calling her 'it'."

"We have like 4 months-"

"Less than 3, buddy." She smirks.

Charlie's face drops. "No...."

Alex nods as she runs the brush through her messy hair. "Mhmm. I'm almost 30 weeks buddy, we haven't got long. Considering in just 7 weeks, I'll be considered full term it really isn't long."

Charlie sits slowly on the bed. "Well shit..."

Alex kisses his cheek. "I'm going to shop for the nursery, wanna come?"

"It's my first day back at work... I wish I could." He sighs.

Alex smiles. "Oh yeah, I totally forgot." She teases.

He rolls his eyes. "Ask Cam, I'm sure she's well experienced."

"Cam is still at her mom's. I was going to ask Bella." She says. "You think she'll wanna come?"

"Maybe. Seems too normal for my daughter, though." Charlie scoffs.

Alex plays with his damp hair. "Don't be silly. Cmon chief, everyone's raring to have you back I bet. And I promise to bring some sammichss by, how does that sound?"

He smiles. "Alright I think I can handle that." He kisses her cheek and begins to change. "Hopefully this kid won't put me in an early grave like her sister has tried to." He mutters to himself.

Alex heads downstairs and sorts Ollie out as she makes Charlie some bacon and toast as well as fresh coffee. Totally normal thing to do. And that makes her so happy inside!

Charlie jogs down in his uniform. "How do I look?"

Alex grins and squeals. "Look at my man!" She pokes him.

He swats her away. "Ah ah ah!" He grumbles. "I'll take breakfast to go."

Alex shoves the bacon between the toast slices and wraps it in foil as he grabs his cup. "All set chief!"

He rolls his eyes. "You don't get a kiss now." He says, walking to the door.

"Hey hey come on! You can't be letting our girl down already!" She runs after him.

He laughs and leans down, kissing her gently on the lips. "Just once then. And I agree - she needs a name by the end of the day."

"The end of the day!?" Alex snaps. "I kind of meant within the next few weeks!"

He smiles. "You suggested it. Bye honey!" He sings, jogging to his cruiser.

Alex huffs and slams the door, turning to look at Olli. "Why where you so easy to name, huh?" She mutters, moving to the couch. He lays his head on her tummy and his body on her lap, which he's far too big for already.

"How about.... Emily?" She suggests. Olli whines. "Yeah, no, I agree." She says, thinking. "Sylvia? No, too old. Jessica? No, I knew a Jessica and she was horrible." Alex talks to herself. "Amber? Megan? Cassie? Ryan? Morgan? Maybe we go for a unisex kind of name?"

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