~ the one with a different story

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Alex plays with Charlie's messy hair gently. "So... What's the verdict?"

He sighs, still sat with his hand on her tummy. "They asked me the same questions at least a dozen times.... They're so dirty. They let me go then re-questioned me to prolong the time they could have. Said they had all they wanted then came back again. It was exhausting and just plain ridiculous. They got nothing on me."

Alex frowns small. "I'm so sor-"

"Alexanderia, if you apologise for this I'm going to end you." He warns. "This is not your fault, there's nothing you did wrong."

"I bought this mess into your life." She whispers, looking at her lap.

Charlie tilts her chin back to make her look at him. "No. You think I would stay if I didn't want this? Didn't want you? I don't care what baggage you got, it's mine now too. If you knew the shit I do-"

"Like the fact your best friends son is a wolf?" She says casually.

Charlie freezes. "How did - you're not - you can't know that!"

Alex smiles small. "I lost my shit with everyone and it sort of came out..." She shrugs small. "It's really sweet that you asked them to protect the area." She kisses his cheek.

He blushes a little. "Well." He smiles, shrugging. "How come you weren't home when I got back?" He asks.

Alex smiles. "Esme made me get an official scan and check up for speck." She shrugs. "The one Carlisle did last week wasn't very clear and I hadn't had any official checks done. I'm just shocked I'm so far already." She shakes her head.

Charlie smiles. "We weren't exactly looking for it we're we. And we weren't ever careful so..."

Alex blush and giggles. "Very true, Mr Swan. Are you hungry?"

"Starving." He nods.

Alex stands and makes her way to the kitchen, Olly taking the opportunity to pounce on Charlie. He comes in behind her a moment later and watches as she heats up the pie. "Esme bought me some food." She explains. "You should call Bella, she's been worried."

Charlie nods and picks the phone up, leaning on the wall as it dials. He smiles. "Hey ki- yes it's m- jesus, Isabella, let me get a word in!" He mutters, rolling his eyes. "I'm fine, okay, I'm home. Yes I've seen Alex. Yes, I'm aware - no I haven't had chance to think about that. You don't have to co- okay fine, see you soon." He huffs, hanging up.

Alex raises her eyesbrow and hands him the plate, sitting with him at the table. He grabs a beer and sits. "Bella is coming round apparently."

Alex smiles. "I told you, she's been worried. She missed you."

"Yeah as if." Charlie mutters.

"Seriously, she's been worse than me at times." Alex smiles.

He chews his food quickly, scarfing in the food down despite the temperature of it. "Mhmm."

"Why don't you believe me?" Alex raises an eyebrow.

He wipes his mouth. "Bella doesn't really care about anything but Edward, hasn't since she met him the first week she moved here." He shrugs. "She's got her own life, why would she care about me?"

Alex frowns deeply. "You're her father, her dad. That's why. It doesn't matter how close you have or haven't been, you're her parent. She cares. She's just exactly like you - useless with emotions."

He chuckles a bit and shakes his head. "I'm not that useless." He tries to defend.

"Mmm." She smirks, getting up to answer the door. She smiles softly at Bella, said girl rushing in and straight to the kitchen.

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