Ch. 23

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 Dasimah loomed tall on the horizon. Arysa hadn't stopped all night and the sun began to peek over the hillside. She had barely healed her wounds, only stopped the bleeding, and her body ached and stung, but she didn't dare stop.

The gates of Dasimah were heavily guarded. There were at least 30 guards along the parapet. They called out to her when she approached, training their arrows on her.

"Halt, in the name of Lord Everbane!" They yelled.

Arysa reigned her horse in and called back, "I come in the name of the king. I am Lady Arysa Rosewood of the royal court!" She held up her hand, turned so that the guards could see the two royal seals, one for the court, one for her family.

They opened the gates and Arysa rode inside. She dismounted and one of the better dressed guards approached her.

"Lady Rosewood, we weren't expecting any--" He stopped when his eyes fell on her torn and bloodsoaked clothes. "Are you bleeding?!"

Arysa gave a sour laugh. "I was, yes. It's rough out there, captain."

"Rylan, get the physician!" The captain called, but Arysa waved him off.

"No need. I'm well enough."

"But, Lady--"

"I came on royal business, captain. I am here to see Lord Everbane. Now, if you'd be kind enough to escort me to him, and to tend to my horse while I'm busy, I'd be ever in your favor." She smiled sarcastically.

"Yes, yes, of course." He called a guard to escort her horse to the stables and called a carriage to take Arysa through the city to the castle.

Dasimah was the biggest of the Rahaidan capitals, second only to Raida, so it was a long ride to the castle. Arysa took the time to check on her wounds. She healed the one in her side and on her leg almost completely, but was too tired to tend to the others. She closed her eyes and almost fell asleep. Then the carriage jerked to a stop and she snapped awake. The door opened and a servant moved to help her out, but she waved them off. She walked through the castle courtyard to the front doors and the guards swung them open for her. She entered the throne room to find Lord Everbane's eighteen year old son, Jacklyn, standing in the center of the room, waiting for her. Her brows furrowed.

"Where's your father, Jackie?"

Jacklyn shook his head, a sadness in his eyes. "Dead. Mother too."

"What? How?" Arysa exclaimed in disbelief.

Jacklyn lowered his eyes to the floor. "Poison, they say."

Arysa hardened, pressing her lips together. "Were they able to identify the poison?"


"How long ago did they die?"

"Bout two and a half months. I sent word to the king, but heard nothing back."

Arysa shook her head. "Our riders have been being interrupted. The enemy is cutting off the cities from one another. I barely made it here myself. I'm glad to see Dasimah seems to be doing well, though. Some of the other cities aren't fairing as well."

"I recalled our armies from the war. With the food running out, people were becoming violent. We have strict rules here, but it's working to keep our people in line and keep them fed. We've lost many though." Jacklyn said solemnly.

"I understand." Arysa replied. "But I came to ask for your help. With the cities separated we don't stand a chance against this enemy. We need to work together."

"I don't know how." Jackie replied. "Not with our riders being interrupted, like you said."

"For now, we have to rely on other means of communication. I've brought this." She pulled two mirrors from her bag. She handed one to Jacklyn. "Use this to contact me. I don't have time to explain how it works. Just say my name and draw this symbol." She handed him a piece of paper with the rune for connection on it.

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