Ch. 25

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She woke up with tear stains on her cheeks. She looked around, her gut pinching when she identified Serden's dark, empty bedroom. He was sitting in the armchair, reading a book.

She pushed his blankets off of her and stumbled to her feet. Her body felt sore and drained, still so weak. Serden looked up and quickly set his book down.

"Where are you going? You're not ready yet--"

He stood and reached for her, but she shoved his hands away.

"My brother--Serden--my brother--" She gasped as tears rose to her eyes.

She reached his door and pulled it open, but he pressed his hand to the wood and snapped it shut. His voice was cold when he spoke.

"Ashlyn's dead."

Her breath hitched and she shook her head rapidly. "No, no, he's my brother. He's my brother."

She tugged at the doorknob, but he held the door closed.

"Stop, Arysa. Stop."

She yanked and pulled at the doorknob, and finally gave up and slumped against it. She sank to the floor and wrapped her arms around her legs, lowering her head to her knees. She felt empty, numb, in shock.

It wasn't possible. It just wasn't possible.

He was her brother. He was supposed to always be there. He was her brother.

Serden let go of the door and knelt in front of her. Her red-rimmed eyes lifted to his. There was pity in his gaze.

"I have to see him." Her voice was empty. "I won't believe it till I see him."

Serden nodded and reached out to help her stand, but she shoved his hands away and got to her feet. He opened the door and led her out into the hallway. The servants and guards looked on in pity as they passed. She couldn't bring herself to look at them.

He took her to the chapel and brought her to the front where a casket lay closed, on the altar.

"Open it." Arysa's voice was empty.

Serden stepped up and lifted the lid. Arysa's stomach dropped. She stepped up to it, felt his pulse. Nothing. She stepped back quickly and turned away. Serden lowered the lid.

Arysa stared at the wall across the room. There was nothing in her voice when she spoke.

"You killed my brother."

"I'm sorry."

"You're not sorry." There was a sudden viciousness in her voice that startled him. She turned on him and there was pure rage in her eyes. "You never cared about my brother. You always wanted him gone. You're probably glad." She snarled.

He shook his head. "I'm not glad, Arysa. Nothing that hurts you makes me glad."

"You knew what you were doing." She took a step towards him, her fists clenched. "You knew we were both too weak to heal him when you stabbed him. You knew you were killing him, but you did it anyway. You monster."

He flinched. "I'm sorry."

"Is that all you can say?!" She snapped. "You're sorry?!"


"Don't." She hissed. "Don't you dare."

"I just wanted to protect you."

"Protect me?!" She was yelling now. She couldn't hold back. "You weren't trying to protect me. You did it for yourself. For your own selfish gain. I should have let him kill you when he had the chance. I should have killed you myself."

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