The Incident

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TW: Gore, blood, assault, mentions of suicide

As you regained your consciousness you felt like you had the worst migraine. Once you felt the cold floor beneath you, you opened your eyes and realized you were in some sort of shed or garage .

When you tried to move you felt cold metal pull at your ankle. You dreadfully sat up and looked down at your feet. There was a chain wrapped around your ankle, you followed the chain and saw that it was attached to a wall. There was no way you were getting out of there. You had realized you were no longer wearing your vest or your shoes. You were barefoot.

You heard a door open and saw two figures walking in. The closer you looked the more you realized it was a girl being dragged inside by the same man that took you. The girl fit his type, a curly haired brunette, brown eyes, and you assumed she as well had a tattoo on her back. He wasn't capable of sympathizing with anyone so you knew that this was about to go horribly wrong.

He threw her to the floor and took the chain attached to the wall on the other side to restrain her. He didn't even care that you were awake, he looked at you in disgust and walked out the door.

"Wait come back" you yelled out and stood up and began to walk towards the door but quickly fell to your knees. "Damn it" you whispered to yourself

"Who are you" the young girl across from you spoke up

"Hey" you turned to face her "I'm Y/n and I work for the FBI"

"Oh god if he caught you that means we are never getting out of here" she began to cry

"Hey look at me" you cooed "Come on tell me your name"

She took a deep breath and looked at you "Claire"

"Okay Claire listen my team will find us" you tried to move closer to her but you couldn't "They know where I was taken from so they should have a lead and they should be here soon"

She nodded her head and wiped her tears

"They will find us" this time you said it as encouragement to yourself. You wanted to believe that they were close by


For the next couple of hours all you could hear were Claire's whimpers. After more time passed you heard the door open again. "What happened to the guy that was with me?"

"He's dead" he calmly walked towards the center of the room

"Your lying" you heart dropped and you didn't want to believe him. But you saw the way he walked over to Spencer laying on the floor. He could have certainly killed him. You didn't want to believe it but he could have.

"See for your self" he threw something at you. When you picked it up you realized it was Spencer's credentials, they were bloody.

"No" you cried

The unsub had finally turned to face you and the dim light illuminated his face and you immediately recognized who it was.

"Your the first victims boyfriend" you began to scoot away, towards the wall behind you "John"

"Your a pretty little thing" he walked closer to you

"Get away from me" your back hit the wall

"I'm going to have fun with her" he bent down to your level and caressed your face "You aren't really the one I'd go for but I'm going to have fun with you as well"

"If you touch her I will kill you" you rolled your hands into fists

"I'm sure you will" he ran his hands up and down your thighs

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