The Shoot Out

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Coffee, you needed coffee after the horrendous night you had the other day. Spencer was going to get married to Max and you idiotically kissed Luke. You went throughout your weekend eating ice cream and binge-watching true crime documentaries.

"Your going to spill the coffee onto the counter" JJ moved your hand from the coffee pot

"Sorry" you whispered and wiped the contents that had spilled over

"Are you okay" she spoke as she opened the top cabinet and pulled out a mug of her own

You couldn't hold it back anymore, you were exhausted of keeping everything to yourself and not confiding someone that had known you for years "I almost had sex with Luke" you spit out and immediately slapped your hand over your mouth

Her jaw was basically on the floor "You had sex with Luke"

"Shhh" you were pretty sure no one heard but you wanted to be sure "No but I almost did"


"The night of Rossi's wedding"

"You and Luke were together" she whispered "Naked? or almost naked?... wait like on your bed?"

"No it was on my couch and he was shirtless but I was so close to pulling down his pants"

She snorted and held back her laughter "What stopped it"

"I couldn't get someone out of my mind" you frowned

She furrowed her brow "Who"

"Just" you looked down at your coffee "A guy"

"A guy?"

"Yep a guy I like but he is in a relationship" you lowered your voice

"Like?" she sipped her coffee "Are you sure you just like him"

"Well it doesn't matter anymore I just needed to tell someone" you shrugged

"Tell somebody what?" Penelope walked in with a bright smile

You almost choked on your coffee "Uh nothing"

"Hey you know no one keeps secrets from me"

"I needed to tell someone that uh" your eyes traveled between Penelope and JJ "That I can't be the only one that sees the chemistry between you and Luke"

"Well now that you mention it" she squealed with a bright smile "He invited me over for dinner"

"That's amazing Penny" you pulled her into a hug and watched JJ's eyes guilt you into a frown

You heard a ding and Penelope pulled away, your smile returned and she began to walk away "Duty calls, I'll be back"

You looked back to JJ "Don't look at me like that"

"Luke almost got into your pants and now he's with Garcia" she crossed her arms over her chest

"We were drunk and nothing happened" you sighed "Besides we agreed, no hard feelings but I like someone else and he clearly likes Penny"

"Just don't do it again" she whispered and walked away with her mug in hand

Well that was a little too hypocritical, considering the rumors you heard about her love for Spencer. Clearly whatever they had was over, she had a husband and two kids. And Spencer clearly loved someone else. It's not like you were in a triangle with Luke and Penelope. It was a one time thing and you still felt guilty for letting it happen


Spencer walked behind you as you walked over to the body that was found in a small town in Arizona. As you walked over you could visibly see the rage this unsub had. You slipped on some plastic gloves and crouched down.

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