The Stupid Butterflies

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"Are you trying to turn a person into shredded cheese" you heard a muffled voice behind you

You removed your earplugs and turned your head to face Tara and Luke behind you. You glanced towards your target and realized you emptied and reloaded your clip three times. There was barley a target anymore, more like a paper with three giant holes. One on the head, the chest, and the groin. You weren't too upset with it.

"What can I say I'm a great shot" you shrugged, you had been feeling a lot better and pretending that John was the target made it easier for you to destress

"So this has nothing to do with you disappearing into a closet with Reid" Tara wiggled her brows

You scoffed "I was upset and he helped me"

"Really?" Luke crossed his arms over his chest

"I went to go see my kidnapper" you sighed "Spencer helped me through panic attack, and I may or may not be taking out my frustration on this guy"

"It's paper" Luke smirked

"Whatever newbie"

"Garcia told you to use that one didn't she" Tara laughed

"Yep" you smirked and felt your phone buzz, you giggled at the message

"What is it"

You lifted up your phone to them and showed them Garcia's text "You heard the woman, avengers assemble"

You quickly cleared your things and began to walk with Tara and Luke.


"He's coming do it do it" Tara whispered into your ear

"Alright alright" you whispered

The team was gathered around in an office building a profile and Tara wanted to give everyone a quick reason to smile

"Do you guys have anything" Luke walked over into the room with the rest of the team

"Actually I do" you looked concerned

"What is it" he sped up and stood in front of you

You slowly lifted a diagram of a skeleton and turned it so he could see, you smiled "Your mom"

He dropped the concerned look on his face and laughed "You put her up to this didn't you" he spoke glaring at Tara

She innocently put her hands up in the air. You heard JJ laugh behind you. "It's amazing having you back"

You were about to respond when you heard Emily's voice call your name. You looked over to the doorway and saw her getting off the phone "We may have a lead, I need you and Reid to go talk to Arthur Brode"

"Who is he" you asked

"He's a registered sex offender, released from prison one month ago. He has a van very similar to the one we are looking for and last night during the abduction he called in sick for work"

"Mhm what a coincidence" you sighed

You walked over to Spencer and made your way out the building. You were prepared to hear the stupidity coming out of this guys mouth.


After visiting the suspects mother she had told you where to find him. In a park and just as you suspected watching teenage girls while he pretended to read a book. You looked up at Spencer and he had a disappointed look on his face

"What an ass" he mumbled

"I hate him too" you whispered before walking in front of him, blocking his view

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