The Truth

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"Take a seat"

Emily pointed to the chairs in front of her desk and she down on her chair as well. You didn't know why you were so nervous. Eventually, everyone was going to know but finding out like this was definitely not the plan. She had a disappointed look on her face and you realized she still thought that Spencer and Max were together.

"Listen I don't really care what you do outside the workplace but don't do it here" she raised her brow "Got it"

"Yep" you clasped your hands together and gave her a tight-lipped smile

"Alright" she leaned back in her chair and began to pick at the skin around her nails "I know it's none of my business but are you kidding me" she leaned forward and rested her hands on top of her desk

"Em I- " you began to speak but she cut you off

"What you have an explanation for cheating"

"No it's n-" Spencer started speaking but she cut him off too

"Spencer shush" she leaned towards him "You have a girlfriend that poor girl is sitting at home thinking that her boyfriend is working hard when he's cheating"

"No Em-" she wouldn't let you talk, she was rambling

"And you" she leaned towards you, "It's one thing if you didn't know he was in a relationship but you know, you met her"

"Emily we got married!" you shouted out


Spencer grabbed reached for your hand and intertwined your fingers, he squeezed and looked back up to Emily "We eloped"

You began to explain "Before I left the BAU Spencer and I had a relationship but clearly, it ended when I left. I came back, and well..." you looked down at your hands "We realized that we never wanted to be separated from each other again"

"I never cheated" Spencer looked at you before turning his head back to Emily "As soon as I realized that I wanted to be with Y/n I broke things off with Max and we eloped"

"I knew it" she exclaimed and her frown turned into a smile

"What" you tilted your head and raised a brow

"Well I didn't know about all this but Morgan and I had a bet going. We were wondering when the both of you would admit to having feelings for each other." she got out of her seat and walked over to you and Spencer "Congratulations guys" she hugged the both of you

"Thanks" you hugged her back and let go "We were going to tell everyone but clearly not like this"

"Don't worry about it, I didn't see anything" she walked towards the door "Come on we have a case"


You had walked out of the police station for some fresh air. It had been a long case and it felt like there were no leads. You were at a complete loss and so you thought you could do some of your best thinking outside so you brought a file with you. You looked down and began looking over the file, reading everything and you were growing frustrated.

"Tough night pretty lady" Some guy was smoking a cigarette standing beside you

"Mhm" you mumbled and kept looking down

"Maybe I can help" you heard him walk closer to you

"No thanks" you muttered and continued to look down at the file ignoring him but he wouldn't get the hint

"Oh come on I'm just trying to be nice"

"And I'm trying to do my work without being interrupted" you flipped a page and looked at some of the crime scene photos

"Then take a break" he lifted his hand and it was headed towards you

"No I don't want to go anywhere with you and I have a gun" you said matter a factly "My husband has been to prison and also has a gun, I am not liking your odds if you get that hand anywhere near my body" you refused to look up at the man who was always huffing out of anger, Spencer wasn't a violent person but you knew if someone hurt you he could be capable

"Don't play hard to get"

"She said no" It was Spencer's voice

You looked over at him and smiled "Oh look it's my husband"

You lifted yourself off of the concrete wall and moved closer to Spencer, he threw his arm over your shoulder and began to walk back into the building. You finally lifted your gaze to look at the man who wouldn't leave you alone "Go fuck yourself" you smiled

As you and Spencer walked back inside he leaned over and kissed your temple, holding you closer "Did he hurt you?"

"No" you looked up at him and reached up to kiss his cheek "I'm okay"

"I like it when you refer to me as your husband" he dropped his arm to his side when the both of you were about to round the corner to talk to the team

"I know right, I can't stop saying it" you grinned "But let's focus I think I've got something"



Today was family night and Spencer had agreed to tell the rest of the team tonight. Everyone went through the dinner having conversations and eating Rossi's pasta, Spencer's hand rested on your thigh every time he noticed you were nervous. Everyone was now sitting in the living room. Your wedding band rested on your middle finger and Spencer did the same. The both of you stood from your seats on the couch and stood in front of everyone.

"Hey guys" you announced and everyone turned to face all of you, it felt like you were in high school all over again presenting in front of the mean girls

"We have something to tell everyone" Spencer nodded his head and inhaled deeply, you were both nervous but there was no reason to be nervous

"What is it, your killing me with the suspense" Penelope smiled

"Well" you glanced over at Spencer and moved your ring from your middle finger and slid it onto your ring finger, Spencer did the same "Spencer and I eloped"

Spencer reached for your hand and you both intertwined your fingers. Everyone had different expressions. Emily had already known so she was smiling. Rossi had a proud dad face. Luke and Tara didn't even look surprised, it was more of an I knew it moment. Penelope looked confused and lost for words but there was a hint of happiness. JJ looked confused and almost disappointed.

"Erm" Spencer squeezed your hand "Max and I have been separated for a while" it was best he didn't say an exact timeline, everyone would definitely judge you there. Probably not but you didn't want the judgment, you already knew that you made the correct decision. "Y/n and I were in love before she left and well we moved on with our lives until she came back and well as you can see we realized that it was a mistake to live our lives separately"

No one said a word "Well don't look too mad, we made the right decision alright" you nervously laughed

"Emily you owe me 20 bucks, I knew they were a thing back then" Penelope squealed and ran up to both you and Spencer to hug you

The rest of the team walked up to you and gave you hugs. Congratulations were said and you realized JJ walked away to go into the bathroom.

"I'll be back" you whispered into Spencer's ear

He nodded and squeezed your hand before letting go. You walked over into the long hallway and reached JJ calling her out. She quickly turned around and frowned

"JJ what the hell" you huffed and dropped your hands to your sides

"I just need to use the bathroom" she grinned and tried to turn back around

"You know I thought you were my friend, and when your friend gets married to the love of her life you should at least pretend to care in front of other people" you scoffed and turned back around. She called your name but you didn't care, this was your night to be happy and share it with the rest of the team.

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