The Secret

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Sorry for the short chapter

Seven days. It had been seven days since you told Spencer how you felt. Everything had changed and you wanted to keep to yourself for a while. You were in the elevator with Luke waiting to get to the 6th floor. Time could not go any slower. You had a cup of coffee in your hand and felt his eyes staring down at you.

"Spit it out Alvez"

"We haven't really talked since we went out for drinks" he rocked back and fourth on his heels

"There's nothing to talk about" you kept looking at the elevator doors in front of you, tapping your finger against the cup

"Well you came back to work quiet, you never followed up"

You nervously chewed on your bottom lip and looked up at him before the doors opened "There is nothing to follow up on, okay"

"Okay" he frowned and walked out the elevator with you

After a couple of hours everyone was focused on their work and Tara walked over to your desk with Luke. You continued to do your work, knowing that they were going to ask you if you were okay.

"Unless you are here to talk about our last case in Los Angeles I do not care" you casually scribbled down notes

"So you don't want to hear about Garcia's date with Luke" Tara leaned against your desk, causing you to drop your pen and look up at her

"Well then maybe I do care" you smirked and glanced to look at Luke "Spill it"

"It was a date" he shrugged "A normal date"

"They went back to his place"

Your eyes traveled from Tara back to Luke "Oh really"

"It's not a big deal"

"Are you guys going on a second date" you asked


"Then it is a big deal" you smiled "And don't hurt her, she has the most beautiful soul and if you hurt it I will kill you with my bare hands"

"That's what I said too" Tara held out her fist and you bumped it, you hadn't noticed but it was basically routine when you both agreed on something

"We will kill you, got it Alvez" you snickered

"Got it" he threw his hands up in a surrender

"Soo moving the conversation along" Tara looked down at you in your seat "You never followed up"

"Well looks like I no longer care about the conversation" you rolled your chair back to face your desk

"We just want to make sure your okay"

"I'm fine I swear" you smiled, trying your best not to shoo them away

"But we-" Luke was cut off when Penelope's voice rang through the bullpen

"Everyone it has been a long week so I believe we deserve a break" her smile was like sunshine, it always made you smile

"Amen to that" Tara joked

"So I say that we go out for drinks, who's in" she clasped her hands together

Tara and Luke both agreed.

"I might get there late, I want to see the boys" JJ ran her hand through her hair and looked over to you, you quickly turned away and looked back to Penny

"Count me in" you announced

"Alright, I'll go tell Emily" she paused and turned to face Spencer's desk "Reid?"

"Sure I'll go" he smiled lightly and continued to write on his paper

"Will you bring Max?" she asked before she could walk away

He looked up and glanced over to you before looking back up and Penelope, you stopped looking into his direction and moved along with your work

"Not tonight, sh-she um, she's busy" he stuttered out

"Alright" she continued on her way towards Emily's office

Tara and Luke were both looking down at you. You mentally rolled your eyes and then flashed a smile "I'm fine"


You had finished up your paperwork and began to pack up your things. Everyone decided to meet at the bar so you decided to take your time walking over to the elevator, waving at Luke who was still packing his belongings. As you walked into the elevator someone else had walked in behind you. It was Spencer, the doors were still open so you both stood side by side waiting for the doors to close.

Once they shut you felt hands land on your hips, turning you to be pushed up against the elevator wall. Spencer's lips met yours and your hands traveled up his chest and then looped around his neck, playing with the soft brown curls. Once you deepened the kiss he pressed his chest against yours and his hand traveled up to cup your chin.

He pulled away, slightly out of breath "Where's your ring?"

"At home, I can't wear it at work just yet" you smirked

"Fine fine and I was wondering" his hand moved to caress your cheek "We should skip out on drinks and go home now"

"As much as I love that plan, it's going to look suspicious if we both just disappear"

"Fair enough" he brought his lips to your neck, sucking on the soft skin and slowly ran his hand down your back, your breath hitched when he looped his fingers through your belt and pulled you in closer "But your missing out"

The elevator dinged and he immediately pushed himself off of you, you smirked up at him. "Maybe the anticipation will make it better" you shrugged

"Mhm" he stayed behind for a second letting you exit the elevator first "After you Mrs. Reid"

"Thank you Doc" you hummed and smiled internally

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