The Dinner

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You walked out of the elevator with urgency. You walked over to the bullpen and found Luke sitting at his desk. You snatched his arm and pulled him out of his seat.


"Shut up"

On your way down the hall you found Tara walking towards the both of you.

"What are you guys-" you grabbed her hand "Okay nevermind"

You found an empty office and led them inside, shutting the door behind you and looked at the both of them

"So no one was going to tell me that Spencer had a girlfriend"

You watched them look at each other before looking back to you

"What?" you were confused

"We thought that you and Reid were in the past" Tara crossed her hands over her chest and smiled "We didn't now you still had feelings for him"

You had realized what you had done. Keeping your mouth shut should have been the better option.

"I-- uh I don't, nothing happened here, forget I said anything" you nervously laughed and turned around, once your hand was on the doorknob you heard Tara's voice

"Don't move"

You slowly turned back around and smiled nervously "So this is awkward"

"He's in a relationship, what are you going to do" Luke had finally spoken

"Nothing" you forced a smile "I already screwed him over by leaving so I'm not going to screw him over by bringing up feelings that he doesn't have for me anymore"

"So you do have feelings for him" Tara clasped her hands together "The BAU just gets more and more interesting"

"You want to know what's more interesting" you asked "Catching serial killers, so I'm just gonna go" your hand landed on the doorknob and quickly walked out of the room

You made your way back to your desk. You put your bag down and began with your paperwork. Luke and Tara walked in and sat in their respected areas glaring at you. You shot a soft smile and continued with your work.

After a couple of hours the words in front of you began to blur. You yawned and decided it was time for a coffee break. You neatly stacked your papers and walked over to the break room. As you served yourself a cup of hot coffee you heard footsteps come up behind you.

"How can I help you" you said as soon as you felt a presence in the room with you

"It's family night" it was Rossi's voice

"Are you having a party at your house or something" you took the mug into your hands and turned to face him

"I don't have a house I have a mansion" he exclaimed

"Alright pasta man" you giggled and leaned against the counter

"But yes it is our tradition to dress up nicely and have dinner together as a family over at my place at least twice a month"

"Sounds fun, I'll be there"

"Great I will go tell everyone" he smiled and walked out

You were excited, it had been such a long time since you got to spend quality time with the team.


You knocked on the door.

"Y/n you're here" Penelope squealed

"And I brought booze" you hummed holding up a bottle of wine. It wasn't much but you did not want to arrive empty handed

"God this is why I love you" she opened the door wider "Come in, we are still waiting on a couple of members"

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