Chapter 46

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"That's so dumb!" Marinette and Damian are working on their ExploraVision project, sitting in the living room trying to come up with a design for their device. Jason and Dick are watching TV nearby, both were bored and decided to enjoy the Damian and Marinette show.

"What? No it's not! It's just dust, why couldn't we have a pouch on the back?"

"Do you even know how much of that gunk builds up over time? It'd be too big and heavy to put in the chimney!"

"Do you?" He challenges.

"I do, and based on the average surface area of a chimney, you can get cubic feet of creosote after just an inch of build-up."

"She's great, the idiot is finally getting knocked down a peg."

"Apologise." Dick demands, throwing the remote at Jason. The man catches it, hurriedly stands and dramatically kneels with his head bowed.

"My humblest apologies, prince consort!" Dick blushes, flipping his brother off while Damian smirks. Marinette's just confused.

"What did Jason call him?" She asks, she's never heard that term in English before.

"Just a joke from when he and Kor'i got married." The girl nods, glancing at a still blushing Dick who's glaring at Jason.

"What about a separate pouch?"

"What?" She asks.

"Like a vacuum, the fan and the part that holds the dust can be separate. Connected by a hose."

"Okay, we'd have to make sure that the goop doesn't block the fan that pulls all the stuff in."

"Why do you call it that?"

"Call what?"

"The debris, why do you call it 'goop' or 'gunk'?"

"I dunno. Why not?"

"Because that's not a word!"

"Says the guy who insists 'Bumgorf' is a word! I swear you come up with words just to bother me! Super-calci-fresh-alicious-expedian-a-little-miosis, or whatever!"

"It is too a word!"

"Jeez, sărută deja." Dick snorts at Jason's comment that roughly translates to 'Jut kiss already' but instead of embarrassing Damian he stops dead in his tracks. He slowly turns to his brothers with a murderous look in his eye.

Jason always forgets about the time Damian learned Romanian for Dick's birthday.


"Yeah." The two boys are up and out of the room with Damian hot on their heels, laughing as they yell and tease in languages Marinette doesn't know or recognize. Marinette is left in a living room, absolutely lost.

Damian returns ten minutes later, calmly smoothing his hair back with a hand.

"When's the funeral?"


"So soon?"

"Yes, assuming the mortician can reconstruct the bodies fast enough." Marinette laughs.

"So what'd they say?"

"Doesn't matter, we need to finish this before lunch is ready." Damian hands Marinette his phone, reading out numbers for her to multiply so they can get an idea for how big the vacuum pouch needs to be.

"What on earth does N-F-F-Y mean?"

"What are you doing?"

"Why do you have me as some weird abbreviation?"

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