Chapter 24

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Marinette was fiddling with her ring, Tikki and Plag were in the bag at her feet with their snacks and the bluenette was now squished between an annoyed, arrogant American and an equally annoyed and arrogant Damian.

The plane was steadily making its way down the tarmac, Damian had a book in his lap and Marinette a fresh sketchpad and pencil. The bluenette watched the endless blue expanse as they took off, her ears eventually popping. She watched as the odd cloud or two came into view from Damian's window as they climbed, occasionally scribbling something down as her head filled with ideas.

When the plane leveled out, Damian spoke, still in french.

"You're nervous."

"No I'm not."

"Your finger is red from how many times you've twisted your ring, your lips have bled with how much you picked at them and now you're drawing."

"I like drawing." Marinette poorly defends.

"As do I, but you aren't enjoying it. Why are you so nervous? The odds of seeing anyone you know is-"

"I know. You don't have to worry about me, I made the choice to come. I can handle it."

"Right..." Damian trailed off, unconvinced, "I understand there is a celebration in Paris this week, did you know?"

"Yes, I did." The bluenette responded, going back to her drawing. Her clear Parisian accent differed from Damian's more formal french.

"Do you think the heroes will show?"

"I don't think either is active anymore. Chat Noir always seemed to like the crowds more but he wasn't there for the defeat of Hawkmoth so I don't really know." A flight attendant passed, quietly announcing that they could now use their tray tables. Marinette undid hers, grateful to draw on an even surface again.

"Why do you think so?" Damian decided to clarify, "Why do you think Chat Noir stopped showing up to battles?"

"The miraculous are powerful, Hawkmoth is just one example of how the jewels can be misused. People overheard Ladybug scold Chat for not being responsible once, using his cataclysm too prematurely. She made it sound really serious." The man next to Marinette began to loudly laugh, slapping his hand against the leg near Marinette making her move towards Damian again.

"I heard that European cinema is different from that of the Americans, any movies to recommend?"

"Interesting that you don't regard yourself as a member of the country you have a passport for." Marinette smirked softly, not really teasing, just commenting. "I wonder why that is. What do you like to watch?"


"You seem like a black and white fan, try Solitude. It's the only one I've ever watched. An old friend wanted to watch it so we started it. I ended up finding it in my dad's old movie collection and finished it at home. It was really good." Damian nodded, going through the on board television's movie selection.

"They might not have it, it's older. Oh, that one is good. I saw it when it came out in theaters, if you're a fan of action you'll enjoy it." Damian played the film after plugging in his headphones, pretending to focus on it as he tried to phrase key questions about the heroes into a more casual wording.

Throughout the movie, Marinette occasionally scoot closer to Damian. Occasionally scooting more towards the center of her seat- their rude neighbor constantly laughing in an obnoxious way as Marinette did her best to accommodate both her far taller seat buddies.

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