Chapter 48

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Hey Marinette! I heard you used to babysit and was wondering if you could come over this Saturday night to babysit? Alfred usually would but he's busy with everyone else at some gala thing.

It's Dick, Damian's brother btw


Okay, I just have to check with my parents. What time to what time?


Maybe 6 to 10 or 11? We're in desperate need of a choo-choo train free dinner date 😅


Of course, I asked and they said yes. If you could send the address that would be great.


You can just go to the manor, our place is more out of the way for you.


Are you sure? I don't mind


Yeah, we're gonna be there on Saturday either way so it just makes sense. Thanks so much, you're a lifesaver.


Of course, Mari is such a sweetheart!


The girl shuts her phone off, pulling her back pack to prop it against the desk leg before unzipping it. Time for homework.

Marinette has a thick blanket gathered on her lap, covering her crossed legs as she carefully embroiders her initials on the sleeve of a jacket. A bright lamp light illuminates her work area as the cold darkness tries to creep into the warm cocoon of sweaters and blankets the girl has gathered around herself.

Halfway done with the seldom noticed signature, Marinette presses onward as she tries to focus on the task at hand. She doesn't have long until she has to get to bed, it's almost ten, and staying up much longer after that would suck because not only does she have patrol but also two tests tomorrow.

And as any student will tell you, the best thing you can do for an exam is get a good night's rest.

The girl laughs to herself, mind wandering to how funny it would be if she finished tonight and gave it to Damian right at the beginning of class, he'll say something stupid like 'what am I supposed to do with this?' and she could leave him to deal with it.

Then again, she could just leave it with Richard at the manor; or better yet stash it in the boy's closet and leave him to find it. Plus leaving him to deal with a clothing bag while he has those crutches is just cruel. The poor idiot's 'light fixture' ( chandelier, probably) fell and he got some deep gash that needed to be held closed. Apparently it was between a boot and surgery.

Shaking her head, Marinette presses her eyes closed, she feels the sting of them being open so long. There are only a few weeks until finals and everyone's been busy with assignments and projects as teachers rush to grade and cover material before exams begin.

Giving up on her needlework, Marinette carefully places her work on the table in front of her. She feels the sharp, cold air bite at her as her cozy and soft fortress is disturbed by her moving. Regretting her decision, the Parisian rips the comforter off like a band-aid and rushes to her equally icy bed before snuggling under the thick covers. Tikki and Plagg don't follow, not feeling them rest near her head, Marinette opens her eyes to see them floating in front of her.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothin'... we were just thinking about that time Tikki met the bats." The little black kwamii fiddles nervously, "'bout what they told her,"

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