Chapter 50

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Standing in front of the manor as the taxi comes to pick Marinette up, Damian holds a sleeping Mar'i with one arm with his other holding a crutch.

"We're meeting up next weekend to buy the stuff for the project right?" He nodded to the girl's question, "Right, well you can come to my place, it's closer to the stores." He nods again, giving the girl a quiet goodbye that she returns.

Damian waves her off as her taxi drives off, Mar'i sleeping in his arms. Anxious parents with a daughter on the other side of the most dangerous city in the world tend to get their way. After a few anxious calls about when she's going to get home, the Parisian caves and agrees to go home early. Marinette leaves the manor just after ten, giving a sleeping baby a goodbye kiss and a quick, awkward hug farewell to Damian before getting in the car.

Quick to get Mar'i inside and wrapped up in a blanket, Damian forgets about the hoodie Marinette is wearing.

"So how'd the bust go?" Ladybird asks, sitting in the chair for the bat computer as the other heroes return.

"Cargo never showed," Batman responds. Most people head straight for the elevator-thing looking tired.

"C'mon," Nightwing says, motioning for the girl to follow, "we're gonna review some offensive attacks. We'll turn in early today."

"Why does everyone look so tired?" Nightwing shrugs, saying they had a long night. The cave goes silent with the exception of their feet touching the sparring mat as Ladybird mimics Nightwing's movements.

"Bring your leg up a little higher before you pivot." The Parisian nods, correcting herself.

"So... uh... I have a question. I few, or not, y'know if you're tired." Ladybird tries not to sound too pushy, doing the motion again.

"That's enough drills for tonight. Shoot."

"What's wrong?" He chuckles, grabbing water for them.

"It's an expression, it means you can ask your question."

"Oh." He hands her a water bottle and they sit on the mat. Ladybird breaks the seal of her bottle and takes a sip before setting the container down.

"How- How many people know who you are?" Fiddling with her fingers, she decides to clarify before he can respond. "I don't wanna know who, it's just- how many people know?"

"Batman's got this 'under no circumstances can your identity be revealed' thing, and obviously identities need to stay secret but besides the Bats, two loved ones and a bad guy named Deathstroke." Ladybird looks up at that, a villain knows who he is?

"Yeah, I know, but he won't tell anyone. He likes to use it against Bats."

"And what about him? Batman. Does anyone know his identity?"

"Of course, they guy's had his ass handed to him so many times someone has to pick him up when he almost dies. Agent A's been with him since the very beginning, we learned when he brought us along. Then there's a few other people that know: Harley, certain leaguers, and some bad guys. But, that's only because well Batman's kinda the 'man.' You wouldn't have to worry about it unless you've got some arch enemy you forgot to mention." She laughs, eyes glued to the water bottle.

"If I told you, would you guys tell me?" Nightwing sighs, leaning back on an arm.

"No, I don't think so. Why put that target on your back?"

"I guess, but how would it change anything?" She isn't really trying to argue, but to see their side. "I can see it if we both knew, I could say Robin and I were friends, say I was hanging out with him or Spoiler, even, when I need to go mid day but you can't vouch for me if you're Nightwing."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2023 ⏰

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