Chapter 19

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"tt, let's get this over with." Damian was annoyed but waited for Marinette to get her things; people watched the two walk out of the school and into a car held open by Wayne's distinct butler. Neither looked happy about it.

"How was your day Master Damian?"

"Same as always."

"I am sorry to hear that. And you, Miss. Dupain-Cheng?"

"Fast. How was yours?"

"Busy, Master Drake has a meeting and will be a few minutes late to the appointment. Damian is free to go first. I'm sorry to say we will have to reschedule Master Duke's appointment." Marinette nodded as the car pulled up to her bakery, Marinette rushed out grabbing the two garment bags and a bag of pastries before rushing out again. The bluenette carefully put the bags in the opened trunk before reentering the car, driving the now familiar route to Wayne Manor.

"Come on." Damian huffed, getting out of the car and holding the door open for Marinette, the girl quickly got the garment bags using the other to hold a bag full of pastries as she walked into the Manor. The trio walked to the same living room as last time, and Marinette handed Damian his garment bag. The teenager quickly changed, wanting to get the whole ordeal over with as soon as possible.

Marinette looked over the suit, pulling at the sleeves slightly before doing the same with the waist of both the button-up shirt and the jacket. The sleeves were a little long, the shoulders too small. His torso fit alright- she just had to check the collar.

"Could you do the top button, I need to make sure it is first right,'' Marinette asked, putting her notepad into her bag.

"tt, no." Marinette huffed at his bratty remark.

"Fine." Damian eyed Marinette as she did his top button for him.

"See, it fits fine," Damian remarked, uncomfortable as the stiff fabric clung to his neck uncomfortably.

"No, it doesn't. It's too tight." Marinette mentally chastised herself for getting so many of his measurements wrong, she shouldn't have rushed getting his measurements as much as she did. She finished making notes for the first half of the outfit, then came the pants, which was far more awkward.

She had to re-do the hem, undoing the seams by hand with a tread cutter and re-folding and pinning the end of the fabric. Once Marinette was sure the suit fit perfectly she sent Damian to change.

"Alright your turn," Marinette turns to see an empty sofa, she really has to be more aware of her surroundings when she works. "Uh—where is Tim?" Marinette asked, she expected him to be here by now.

"Still in the meeting with Bruce and the other board members, should be done any minute now. I hate to ask but could you stick around till he does, he needs the new suit more than anyone." Selina asked, having come in during Damian's fitting. Marinette nodded with a smile.

"Of course."

"Great, you and Damian can go do something- I have to get to a business meeting, but don't hesitate to ask Damian or Alfred if you need anything.'' Selina shoos the two reluctant teenagers into the dining room with their book bags as they waited for Tim to arrive.

Damian never wanted to see Drake more in his entire life.

Marinette was quick to crack open a book and start studying; Damian refused to let the girl get ahead, immediately opening one of his own. Sure their rivalry wasn't as malicious but he wasn't about to lose to the girl.

"What did the Treaty of Bologna do?"

"End the Habsburg-Valois War. How many significant digits does 5000.0 have?"

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