Chapter 30

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Marinette silently groaned as she called off her transformation, she turned into Ladybird every time.

"It's okay, Marinette, just focus. I believe in you!" Marinette smiled and let Tikki nuzzle her finger before taking a deep breath. She's got this, it was just a measly transformation. Her bright red skirt and grey sweater along with the navy blue tights she war disappeared as her suit replaced it. Fifth time's the charm, instead of seeing her usual cargo pants and boots, Marinette- no- ladybug, saw red with black spots, there was no antennae headband or utility belt. No combat boots or pockets.


Hopefully this would be the last time she'd have to transform into Ladybug ever again.

The bluenette wasted no time in yo-yoing towards the celebration, landing on the stage with a smile just as the mayor finished his speech. Marinette refused to even look anywhere but the fence at the back of the crowd, not wanting to spot anyone from her new or old class.

"Perfect timing as always! People of Paris, please join me in welcoming Ladybug! Our beloved heroine!" People cheered and clapped as the Mayor and her shook hands.

"Hello, Paris. Thank you, on behalf of me and my team, we are honored and humbled. It has brought me so much joy to see Paris move past the horrible wrongs committed by Gabrielle Agreste and Nathalie Sancouer. I'd like to thank programs like Words of Hope and others that focus on continuing to spread positivity. I encourage people to participate in these rehabilitation programs. No one was safe from the effects of Hawkmoth's reign of terror but by standing together we can overcome. Together we can rise." People cheered even louder as the bluenette thanked the crowd, spotting Damian with his phone recording her entire speech, likely to show his brothers.

"Wonderful speech, Ladybug. Shall we?" they mayor motioned towards the waiting photographers and reporters.

"I'm sorry, mayor Bourgeois, I need to get going. I am simply here to reassure Parisian's that I'll be here if they need me. Thank you for watching over Paris." Ladybug enthusiastically waved before launching her yo-yo.

"Bug, out!" The girl gave her weapon a tug and swung away, relieved she was able to keep her eyes away from the front of the crowd where she knew two certain brunettes would have been.

Hopefully Robin would give a favorable report back to Batman- who was she kidding? The guy had a stick up his butt, he'd probably say she was overly friendly or something.

Speaking about her former partner at all, let alone with a positive tone left a bad taste in Marinette's mouth. She quickly returned to the group, staring at the ground in thought. The celebration hadn't been long, neither were the speeches but almost everything was closed because of the parade.

"It looks like there's a festival, can we check it out?" Ms. Ruiz took a glance at her watch.

"Alright, we'll have to leave in an hour or so to make it to the theater for the new French Revolution movie, we got all the permission slips just in time." Everyone nodded, Mr. Bernard told them to stick to pairs at the least and to meet back up at the Ladybug and Chat Noir's statue in an hour's time.

Marinette was dragged to check out some posters with the girls, she didn't pay much attention. Still thinking.

'Alya used to love those types of posters, she and Nino used to spend hours strolling the city looking for one's just like it. They used to be so nice, why did Lila have to join our class? Why did she have to lie? Why did this happen to me? What did I do to deserve the way she- they treated me? I was a good person wasn't I? I babysat, helped my parents, did my school work, I was and am I hero. Why did it happen to me? What did I do to deserve it? I stuck up for the truth, for honesty and kindness. Sure, I wasn't perfect but-'

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