S2: Ice Pick

715 21 25

Winter POV

I watch Scott and Allison climb up the rock wall in gym, yawning.

Stiles bobs his head randomly beside me, humming.

Allison is beating Scott until he starts going faster so she leans over and kicks his foot off the ledge, sending him falling down to the mats.

I grin, Coach sitting beside him.

"McCall, I don't know why, but your pain gives me a special kind of joy." He laughs. "Right? Okay, next."

I walk up to the wall with Jackass next to me.

"See you at the top Stilinski." He says, hooking up his harness.

I finish hooking mine up, grabbing hold of the wall, climbing up quickly.

Jackson and I stay pretty even until I get sick of being next to him, launching off my good leg up the wall.

I turn, sitting on top of the wall, waving at Jackson five feet below me.

"Slow going?" I ask.

He glares at me, getting to the top quickly.

I slide off, falling slowly down to the ground.

I unbuckle my harness and walk over to Scott and Stiles, sharing a smile.

"Alright! Next two." Coach calls. "Other Stilinski and Erica, let's go. The wall."

Stiles immediately grabs the harness, launching up the wall.

Erica doesn't get half way up the wall before she stops, her heart racing.

I frown, stepping onto the mats beside Stiles and Coach.

"Erica!" He calls. "Dizzy? Is it vertigo?"

"Vertigo's a dysfunction of the vestibular system of the inner ear. She's just freaking out." Lydia says, rolling her eyes.

I reach around Allison, smacking Lydia's arm.

"Erica." Coach calls again.

"I'm fine," She replies, her voice shaky.

"Coach, maybe it's not safe. You know she's epileptic." Allison says, looking at him.

"Why doesn't anyone tell me this stuff?" Coach asks, turning back to Erica. "Erica. You're fine. Just kick off from the wall. There's a mat to catch you. Come on."

Erica slowly lets go, landing on her feet.

"There you go. You're on the ground. You're alright. Let's go, shake it off. You're fine."

She turns and walks away through the crowd, tears rolling.

Everyone except my group laughs, pointing.

"Hey!" I snap. "Shut up, or I will personally make sure there's some nasty stuff in your lunches later."

They go quiet.

Stiles stares at me and I smile.

"See you at lunch."


I shove open the gym doors, walking down the empty hall until I reach the lockers.

Erica's sitting against them, knees pulled up to her chest.

I approach slowly and she looks up, frowning.

"What do you want?"

"Well, let's say I just realized how big of a jerk I've been to you, so I want to make it up to you."

The Weretiger {Isaac Lahey} #2Where stories live. Discover now