S2: Battlefield

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A/n: I keep forgetting to tell you guys that Winter has pupils like a cat when she shifts. So the picture above is what it looks like. ;)

Winter POV

Stiles starts having almost panic attacks two nights later.

His emotions go haywire so much, they wake me up.

It's hard, but I can calm him down. So far.

Explaining how my bullet wound healed to Uncle N was no easy task and he's still suspicious.

We haven't talked to Scott since then, I haven't told Stiles what I had overheard either.

He doesn't need the weight of our best friend maybe betraying us on his shoulders.

On the bright side, none of the Argents had come to off me yet, so that's a plus.


"You've been hiding here alot."

I shoot Derek a look, tossing a book on the table in the Hale house.

"Figured I'd stay close, in case I need to save your ass again."

Now he gives me a look.

"You know why Allison is after you, don't you?"

"She's after all of us, genius." I grumble, stretching my arm out until my elbow cracks.

"But specifically you and me. We both bit her mother."

I blink. "That was you, brother dear."

He stares at me. "You don't remember, do you?"

I shake my head, sitting on the couch and crossing one leg over the other.

"Right after Argent stabbed us, you turned and went for her shoulder. Later, I bit her other shoulder. I don't know which of us actually made her turn, but it was two separate bites." He explains, flipping through a book.

"I don't think you've talked to me that much at one time before. I'm slowly cracking your hard shell." I grin, ignoring his glare.
"But anyway, I really don't remember that."

"You wouldn't. Wolfsbane messes with your head." He pauses, looking up at the wall. "You decided."

He turns to Erica and Boyd, who had snuck in about a minute ago.


"Tonight," Erica answers.

"Everyone's going to be at the game," Boyd adds. "We figured it was the best time."

"It's not like we want to," Erica says.

Derek steps forward as I stand. "What do you want?"

"Since I turned 16 a month ago, I wouldn't mind getting my license. I can't do that if I'm dead, you know."

"Well, I told you there was a price."

"You didn't say it would be like this," Boyd points out.

"Yeah, but I told you how to survive. You do it as a pack. And you're not a pack without an Alpha." Derek turns away.

"We know." Boyd says and he turns back again.

"You wanna look for another pack?" I chime in.

They both look away.

"How are you even going to find one?" Derek asks.

"We think we already did," Boyd says.

I blink. "What?"

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