S2: Venomous

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(I found one with the song from the last book!!)

Winter POV

I watch Jackson skirt around the corner towards the principles office, narrowing my gaze.

I start following him until Stiles grabs my arm.


"Kill joy," I grumble at him.

"Get to class, I'll meet you there. I gotta talk to Dad."

"Why can't I come?"

He puts his hands on my shoulders.

"Because Scott needs moral support."

I frown. "With what?"

He lets go and backs away. "Everything."

"Brutal, but true." I grin, spinning on my heel and wandering to class.


"Where's Stiles?"

I drop my backpack on the desk beside Scott's.

"Nice to see you too, Scoot. He's talking to- Why is Isaac here?"

Scott follows my stare. "I was going to ask you the same thing."

I sit, yawning. "No idea. I haven't talked to Sourwolf."

"Can you go ask Isaac why he's here?"

I glare at him. "I'm not a message service. He won't tell me anything anyway."

"But you're technically his Alpha."

"Still not doing it."



Scott huffs and gives up.

I jump as Stiles sits in his chair suddenly behind Scott.

"Guys, I just talked to Dad, who just talked to Jackson, and I've got terrible, horrible, very, very bad news."

Scott turns to him. "I think we already know." He points at Isaac.

I close my eyes, dreading the long day ahead.


"Alright, I only found one thing online called the Kanima. It's a werejaguar from South America that goes after murderers." Stiles explains.

"So there is more than one type of werecat," I mumble.

"Highly unlikely we'll meet any more though," Stiles reassures me.

"That thing was not a jaguar." Scott says, getting back to the subject.

"Yeah, and I'm not exactly a murderer."

"Yeah, but you did see it kill somebody, which is probably why it tried to kill you. And it's still trying to kill you. And it probably won't stop until you're dead."

Stiles and I stop, watching him walk away.

"Well, that's reassuring," I grumble.

"You know, sometimes I really begin to question this 'friendship'." Stiles calls, linking arms with me and dragging me after him.

"Slow down you giraffe." I complain, trying to keep up.


I sit in my chair in front of Stiles, opening my book.

"Hey, testicles left and right." Jackson's voice snaps.

I roll my eyes, continuing to stare at the desk.

The Weretiger {Isaac Lahey} #2Where stories live. Discover now