Makeshift Family

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Plot: Phil acquires a makeshift family


Phil: 19

Phil went to the Nether often. He liked the challenge as a 19-year-old. It was quite hot today than the past days he were here. He figured it was just his clothing choice and continued on. Little did he know how his life would change from this simple visit. Phil had been walking for an hour. And he was exhausted, but the heat nearly pushed him on. He didn't even know where he was walking to anymore. He felt as if he were being propelled in this direction by wind but there was none. Soon he was in a forest. And it was somewhat cooler here.

He relaxed against a tree and panted taking a seat. As he had his moment of tranquil his breathing returned to normal and he could hear the distinct noises of the Nether. Ghast's distant sobbing, Endermen's hushed whispers. Small, soft sobs. Wait. Sobbing? Not coming from a Ghast? He stood up quickly and followed the noise. It led him to a small hole in the tangled roots of an older tree. He crouched down looking inside instantly meeting dark red eyes. He stumbled backwards. The creature emerged and pulled an angry face.

A child.

But not a child?

The boy had long pink hair, pointed ears, slits glaring daggers into Phil's soul, two small teeth coming from his lower jaw. But of a human body. The boy had tears in his eyes. Phil seemed to relax, and the boy became a bit more aggravated.

"It's okay," Phil softened kneeling one knee on the ground. "I won't hurt you little guy." The Piglin hybrid thing didn't relax though.

"Parents," he gritted through his teeth. "Where." Phil could tell he knew little English, so he kept his tone soft and comforting. He already understood the child had been abandoned by his group due to his half and half.

"It's okay," he repeated. "You are okay." Phil continued to mutter the soft words to the child until he seemed less tense. He then proceeded to wander the forest looking around aimlessly. It was really an experiment if the child would follow him. It worked. The child ended up following him even when he left the forest and started heading back to his portal.

The two soon arrived at the portal and the child was mesmerised by its glow and effect. Phil chuckled and looked him in the eyes with a smile before backing into it. The kid let out a confused grunt and followed quickly. It was an odd experience for him, but Phil had caught him on the other side. They had gone to Phil's home and the young adult had learned his name. Technoblade. An odd name but he had already found a liking to his new companion.

Phil: 21

Techno: 6

Phil was going out with Techno for the day. They had decided to visit the local beach, which was a bit far. The trek was long but the two chatted happily. Soon it was midday and they had arrived. The water was a lovely clear blue and the sand burning hot. The two went ankle deep into the water and started playing around. Phil had been trying to get Techno used to water since he was 5. The two of them were very close now and it was perfect.

Hate for something bad to happen.

As the two got deeper into the water, something touched Phil and he shivered. Techno noticed and looked through the water.

"Don't worry Phil!" He yelled. "I will protect you!" Phil let out a chuckle at his impracticality but soon Techno was underwater.

"TECHNO!" Phil yelled but Techno didn't hear him. His eyes stretched wide into the water, no longer feeling scared of the cool body of water. He had to protect Phil. Otherwise he would have no one again. And he wouldn't admit but he hated being alone. Soon he saw the creature had attached onto Phil's leg and he took this time to pounce.

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