𝐂𝐡𝐩 𝟑. 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭

821 29 18

Heading to the Favonius Dorms...
Walking out of the Tavern you look up to see that night had finally come, everyone had fallen asleep while the stars had shone through the day.
You were heading back to the Headquarters decorated with beautiful Glaze Lillys, walking to your dorm as this day was a great pity.

"Today was exhausting..."

Lisa is a great friend, I appreciate her caring words but I'm very sure Kaeya doesn't have that kind of interest in me. A man like him, strong, confident, smart, cool, and charming would never like an outcast like me... I'm weak... I'm selfish... I

"...should not be so cruel to me... it was the past anyway..."
You wiped your forming tears.

I should go to bed, I have a long journey ahead of me.

You took off your armor and put on your nightgown.

A few minutes later...
"I can't sleep..."

Thinking about everything tomorrow I just can't get off my mind, I should go train until I can rest. Hopefully, no one's awake...

Y/N walks out of her dorm...

Kaeya's P.O.V
(Kaeya is still up reading a book with wine.)

Y/N looked bothered today... I wonder if she's okay...
*Looks out the window*
Speaking of Y/N... naughty naughty.
*step *step

"Master Jean, I'll be guarding the gates for a bit, I've spotted a suspicious figure"

Your P.O.V
You had snuck out a lot out of Monstadt to train either when you're stressed or tireless. Due to your habit, you would wake up with fragile legs, unable to train for the mornings.

"I need to keep my balance, Nhya!"
"I have to keep training to be strong and I could finally be proud to call myself a Knight of Favonius."
"Y-yes I did it!" *huff*

*clap *clap *clap...

"Oh, dear..." 

You knew who those claps came from.

"Wow wow Y/N, that was impressive," *chuckles*
called out a familiar voice.

"Wow wow Y/N, that was impressive," *chuckles*called out a familiar voice

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"Kaeya uh..."
You didn't know what to say now that he had caught you again.

I'm sure I snuck out very quietly this time, I didn't even make a single sound.

Yes, sometimes you had been caught training late at night by either Kaeya, Master Jean, or worse Lisa... she would give you a so-called punishment. Amber is quite the heavy sleeper so she has never caught you before.

"If you wanted help training again, you could have asked me, your old trainer?" Kaeya smirked.
"Mr. Cavalry Captain Kaeya, the time we trained together back then, I ended up in a lake filled with hydro slimes,"
"Worst of all, you decided to glaciate me! Had a good laugh did you? Taking advantage of the weakling I was..."
"Apologies Y/N *chuckles* I admit I was showing off a little too hard... it was very entertaining, but Master Jean did want me to test your... agility!"

Wait a second... Kaeya's movements are oddly strange-

As soon as you knew it, your reflexes had ignored you and ended up pinned to the ground.
"Oh?, it appears to me that you do need my help after all Y/N... if you want to become the next Cavalry Captain.
You could learn a thing or two."
"I knew that was coming!" You yelled embarrassed.
"And technically I will... after you retire..."
*chuckles* "We can train together again another time but right now Y/N, you need rest for our journey," Kaeya said as he pulled you up.

As you two were walking back to Mondstadt...
"You really shouldn't be so hard on yourself when it comes to training or yourself in general Y/N, I think you're doing fantastic, personally." Kaeya complimented you.
"I am? That's strange hearing it from you. I feel very honored."
*chuckles* "Indeed you have Y/N,"
"I admire your determination... courage, mind and-... I-I admit I'm a little jealous. You have many attributes I wish I had as a Captain." Kaeya scratched the back of his head.

Kaeya? Jealous? Me? Uh-..
Your cheeks flushed red.

"T-thanks Kaeya, your words were very moving! I'm feeling much better now, I promise to sleep this time and have a great time at the Ball with you all! I can't wait for you to meet my parents!"

(Y/N kissed Kaeya on the cheek before heading back inside her dorm.)

Kaeya's P.O.V
(Kaeya caressed his flushed cheeks, smiling before heading back to his dorm.)

Your P.O.V
Did I just-
Nonono!, so embarrassing...
Let's hope he won't remember...
Why did I-, kissing the Cavalry Captain on the cheek!
You took a deep breath. *inhale *exhale
Did Kaeya mean to say that to me... I know he wouldn't say that to just anybody... he probably just...

"No no... just like mom always says..."
"Think positive, look on the brighter sides! You shouldn't have a mind filled with negativity. Think about the upcoming opportunities that are ahead of you!"

Maybe Kaeya really is encouraging me to become the next Cavalry Captain and wants to help me be stronger than I am right now!
Maybe he wants to be closer friends too...

"A-alright!, I should head to sleep... not a big deal!..."

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