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Beep. Beep. Beep.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Cracking on eye open, I looked around for the awful sound that woke me up from my beauty sleep.

I could've sworn I didn't set my alarm on.

That's when I realized I was On call.
Swinging my legs and basically throwing off the covers, I immediately grabbed my pager while pulling on a sweater. I put on the first pair of shoes that came into sight and wasted no time leaving my apartment.

Bursting through the hospital, not having any time to get some scrubs, I gowned up.
A few more people waited for the ambulance. It was extremely awkward that people were staring at me. I already knew that I looked disgusting. 

Thankfully, a familiar face came into view. 
I didn't know Derek was a doctor, let alone an attending.
 He was putting on his gloves and didn't recognize me beside him. He finally looked up and examined his surroundings, meaning also seeing me.

"Oh hey Callie, didn't see you there."
"Hey Derek. I didn't know you worked here." I said while smiling up at him.
"Yeah, we kinda left that out of the conversation a last night. I didn't know you worked here too."
"Well I just got the job yesterday. I'm new."
"Explains why I haven't seen you."
"You're on what department exactly?"
"Neuro. I just got bumped to Head of Neuro."
"Congrats! So brains huh?"
"Thank you. And yeah brains." he chuckled.
"How bout you? I'm guessing you're on Cardio?" he added.
"Nah, Ortho. Bones are kinda my thing." I smiled.

The ambulance finally arrived and a kid was rushed in.

Minutes later, after stitching up a few cuts the kid had, Derek ordered a head C.T., just to make sure the kid didn't had any bleeding in his brain, considering he hit his head pretty badly. I checked his limbs to see if he had anything broken.

"OWWWW!!" The kid screamed.
"Yep, he broke his arm. He's gonna need an x-ray."
"Don't worry kiddo, you're gonna be just fine." Derek smiled at the kid.
"My tummy hurts." The kid moaned again.

I looked at Derek and I guess he got my message. He told the nurse nearby to page anyone from Peds. 

The kid, whose name is Henry, got a clear from the head C.T., but the X-ray revealed he fractured his arm. We put him in a cast and moved him up to a private room. 
Soon enough, Derek came out of Henry's room and met me in the Nurse Station close to the room. 
"Let's just hope the tummy ache is nothing complicated." I spoke up.
"Yeah, I mean poor kid."
"This is why I don't deal with sick or injured kids. They're too precious. I hate seeing them hurt." 
"I know. It sucks."

The sound of wheels making contact with the tiled floor screeched it's way into my ear. 
Turning around, I saw a blonde petite woman, wheeling around with her wheeled shoes and stopping just beside Derek.
She smiles up at the nurse and took a chart which seemed to be Henry's.

"Good morning Dr. Robbins. I see you've found Henry's chart."
"Morning Dr. Shepherd and Dr.???" She smiled widely.
I offered my hand and introduced myself.
"Dr. Callie Torres. Ortho."
"Dr. Arizona Robbins. Peds." She smiled widely, again.

She went into Henry's room, leaving Derek and I. 
"Hey Callie, wanna grab lunch?" 

We went to the cafeteria and got lunch. We sat down with Mark and chatted.

"So, Is Dr. Robbins that perky?"
"She's our ball of sunshine here in the hospital. She's basically a human rainbow. Don't worry, you'll get used to it." Derek said while patting my shoulder. 
"Why you asking Torres? You wanna bang her?" Mark said while wiggling his brows at me.
I gave him a disgusted look. Derek just laughed at Mark, while Mark laughed too joining Derek.
"What the hell Mark! I just wanted to get an overview of her."
"By overview you mean??"
"Damn Sloan, get your mind off the gutter."
"I'm just saying Callie. No need to get offended."
"What makes you think I get it on with women anyways?"
"Well, you brushed off all my flirty attempts last night!"
"And that makes me what? Gay? Just because I didn't flirt back?"
"NO ONE. I mean NO ONE rejects THE Mark Sloan!"
"Mark seriously, there's a first time for everything."
"So are you though?" He asked again, wiggling his brows.
"Okay Lovebirds, I got a consult. I'll leave you guys to it." Derek butted in and walked away.
"Derek! Don't leave me here alone with this perverted asshole!" I semi screamed.
"You'll survive Cal!" Derek shouted with his back onto us.
"So are you though?" Mark brought it up again.
Rolling my eyes, I ended his accusations.
"No Mark. I'm not gay. I'm a huge fan of penis."
"Attagirl!" Mark raised his hand for a high five.
I just laughed at his remark and high-fived him to save him from embarrassment.

Hearing another beep coming from my pager, I stood up and told Mark I was being paged. I patted his head and told him I'll see him later. Mark just nodded and continued munching on his apple.

Several traumas and casts later, I decided to check up on Henry. 
I entered his room and smiled up at the little boy. I also noticed Dr. Robbins checking his vitals.

"Hey Henry. Remember me?"
"You're the other doctor." Henry beamed at me.
"You bet I am. I put that cast on your arm." I pointed at his cast.
"Cool! Can you sign it too doctor?"
"Sure!" I exclaimed excitedly.

I heard Dr. Robbins chuckle and I signed on Henry's cast.

"There you go little man." 
He smiled and showed the other doctor what I put.
I looked at Dr. Robbins and smiled at her. She smiled back and told Henry she'll check on him tomorrow. I exited the room, right behind Dr. Robbins. I followed her to the station and signed a few charts while I was there.

"So Dr. Torres, how come you're not on Peds? Seeing you with Henry, made me think you like kids."
Surprised by her speaking to me, I scrunched my face while speaking up.
"Well, I actually love kids but the thought of me operating on them, opening them up, is not my type of thing. I don't wanna end up crying in the OR" I awkwardly answered.
She laughed, and by laugh, I mean her eyes teared up.
"You see Dr. Torres, it's not so bad." She ended the sentence with a smirk.
"Well for me, it kinda is. And you know what, call me Callie. Dr. Torres makes me feel old."
She laughed again and nodded.
"Good to know. And please call me Arizona."
We smiled at each other. Leaving the nurse's station, we walked together to the attending lounge.
"So Callie, is Callie short for something?"
"Yeah, it is, but I'd rather not say."
She squinted her eyes and I just laughed. 
"Come on. It's not that bad is it?"
"Trust me, it is."
She lowered her head to the ground and I just chuckled at her child-like actions.
"So are you named after the state Arizona?"
"You tell me your name first and I'll tell you the story behind my name."
"Nope not happening."
"You're no fun Callie." She whined.
I just laughed at her.

We reached the attendings lounge and upon entering, I saw Mark and Derek talking to a short black woman.
Noticing how engrossed they were with their conversation, I got my clothes and entered the bathroom to change.
When I got out, I went to grab my bag and put my scrubs back on my cubby. Just as I was about to leave, someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around to see a beaming Arizona.

"You dropped your lab coat Calliope." She said while smirking.
"Well no shit." I said with a sigh.
"Nice name by the way, Calliope." 
"You're making fun of meee." I whined.
"Hey I'm telling the truth. It's a beautiful name. Suits you."
"Thanks? And thanks for returning my lab coat." I said while walking to my cubby to put back my coat.

Awesome? Who uses that?

Heading to the exit, I felt someone catch up to me. 
"Torres wait up!" I heard Mark yell at me.
When he finally was beside me, we walked home.
"So I saw you talking to Blondie earlier. You asked her out?"
"For the hundredth time Sloan, I am not gay."
"Yet..." I heard him mumble.
"What was that?"
"Nothing, nothing. She's gay by the way, like lesbianic, that's what she called it."
"Arizona Robbins."

When we reached out floor, Mark walked me to my door.
"Well Mark, this is me. See you tomorrow."
"Night Callie." He said and walked to his apartment.

I entered my apartment, locked the door behind me and walked into my bedroom. Throwing myself on the bed, I snuggled up to it's warmth, the thought of changing into more comfortable clothing not crossing my mind. 

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