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After our conversation, I felt really light. It was like the weight of the world was lifted up from my shoulders. I knew that the possibilities of being civil was never off the table and pretty unavoidable. And so it was decided. We still talk but I get to have time for myself to think things through. Honestly, I didn't need to think. I just want to prove to myself that Arizona deserves another chance. I just hope that I'm not wrong.
I spent the rest of my day stuck in the O.R. doing countless of hip replacements. I have no idea why all of my surgeries were hip replacements and why everything was given unto me. Well what can I say? People love me.
I got to the lounge hours later and noticed everyone's things gone. Maybe today was a really draining day. The hospital was immensely quiet at this time of night, since it was pretty late. I walked the halls of Seattle Grace and was instantly calmed by the comforting atmosphere. I eventually left the hospital with a sane mind and went home. 
My apartment was dark and I shuddered at the thought of being alone tonight. There was no question on how much I loved and adored my bed. The thought of being in the middle of such a big bed in a cold night was what frightened me. I got so used to having someone beside me as I went to sleep and it got me thinking how lonely it was. 
I didn't have much of a choice but to get on with my current situation. Too exhausted to even change, I laid on the bed and slowly drifted off into a good night sleep.


I woke up to the sound of my pager and was just not having it. I just had no energy and felt really groggy. I also had a massive headache going on and I was certain I was going down with something. I stood up and was instantly relieved that I wasn't dizzy. I usually was dizzy and just out of it whenever I got sick. In attempt of relieving the dull ache that was literally consuming my entire body, I took a shower, which didn't help at all. My temperature wasn't that high but I was a little sick indeed. Since I love my job and would never miss a work day, I went to work despite having shit going on within me. Totally forgetting about breakfast, I stopped by the coffee cart instead and got myself coffee and a sandwich.

I would've opted for a scone but a sandwich would do.

I walked to the lounge, a cup of coffee in my hand and a sandwich in the other, still with a massive headache. By the time I got there, I finished the sandwich and savored the coffee, casually taking small sips, even though all I wanted to do was drink it in one gulp. I took a seat on one of the chairs and well, fell asleep. 

Someone shook me till I was awake and it wasn't a surprise to see Mark's confused face, the first thing that I saw when opened my eyes. Even after what seemed to short nap, my headache was no where near gone, instead it got worse.

"You look like crap Torres. What's going on? Besides you and Robbins that is." He asked while sitting across me.
"Massive headache. Got any Advil? The coffee's not helping like at all."
He nodded then stood up, grabbing the Advil bottle from his cubby and throwing it at me. Good thing I had quick reflexes and caught the bottle before it actually hit my head.

"Nice catch. Maybe you should join the team as a catcher in next weeks baseball game. With you on the team, we are going to crush Seattle Press."
"Well unfortunately for you, and the team, I feel like I got hit by a bus." I said and popped 2 tablets in my mouth and downing it with the remaining coffee I had that had gone cold.
"By the looks of it, you look absolutely fine. Come on Callie do this for good ol' Mark Sloan?"
"You just said I looked like crap! Fine. I'll try. But don't get your hopes up. I don't want them crushed." I winked at him and walked to my cubby and grabbed my scrubs.
"I'm holding on to that! See you later Cal. Duty calls."

I got into my scrubs and headed down to the pit for a trauma. Lucky for me, it was a minor incident that was a quick fix and I was happy to do a few sutures. The thought of me in an O.R. right now was not good and I wouldn't allow it. I might pass out and that would compromise a surgery. I stitched up a few more patients that came in and soon enough I was heading to the cafeteria to meet up with the gang. When I got there, I found only Arizona, No Mark nor Teddy or even Bailey. I then remembered the conversation we had yesterday that we were going to be civil, and not spark up awkward tension around our circle. I got myself some soup since the other things that I saw weren't probably gonna stay in my stomach for long. I had a tendency of throwing up whenever I got sick, which sucks and I hated being sick. I got to the table and Arizona looked at me with one eyebrow raised.

"Since when do you eat soup? During lunch?"
"I'm sick or well I guess I am. My fever meter says I'm about a 5 and a half, going up to 6, so I definitely have something going on." I shrugged as I fed myself with the boring ass soup.
"You're sick? Are you okay now?" She stood up and sat beside me, putting her hands on my forehead and on my neck.
"I'm good. I can still manage." 
Her face was laced with worry and my heart just ached. I still couldn't believe that my sweet, caring and loving Arizona cheated on me. Sure it was a kiss, and it almost involved taking clothes off, as I've seen this Boswells hands on the hem of Arizona's scrub top, in the act of lifting it up. But in my book, it was cheating so that was it. 
"How about you go home and get some rest? I'll talk to the Chief."
"It's fine Arizona. You don't have to worry about me. I'm Callie Torres. Badass Ortho chick." I gave her a warm smile, which she returned.
"I'll always worry about you, whether we're together or not." She put her hand on my cheek and caressed it. 

Oh how I missed your touch sweet thing.


I went against Arizona's instructions of me going home. I'll only get sicker if I spent the entire day huddled up in my apartment. Paperwork took my mind off of my sick self and diverted my energy into the stacked papers on the seat beside me. I was in an empty room in my floor that no one really went to. I sort of swore that I was going home but who was she kidding? She did sent me messages, too often, asking if I was okay and if I got to my apartment safely. I did respond with white lies since well I was okay but I never got to my apartment. I was starting to feel cold even though I had a sweater underneath my scrubs that usually shielded me from cold weathers. I tried rubbing both my arms and my hands to generate heat but it was too cold. I decided to actually go home so I went out and headed to a storage room nearby to grab a box, to put my paperwork in.

Life hack from Mark Sloan: Put files in a box, not carry them around in your arms.

I now had my folders and papers in a box, neatly tucked and all I had to do now was go to the lounge without getting caught by Arizona. I was vigilant, avoiding blonde haired people that I encountered along my walk, sending a quick prayer that none of them was Arizona. The coast was clear and I successfully got to the lounge. I grabbed my stuff and by the time I turned to the door, just as expected, Arizona was there looking right through me. And there I was, a deer in headlights.

"Well if it isn't little miss stubborn Torres. I had the feeling you never went home and so I went on a search for you since I was on break and my gut was right. Now explain to me why you lied?"
"I did go home, I just uhm, left a few of uhm my uhm my paperwork! Right! My paperwork! I left them here so I went back to get them." I stuttered trying to avoid eye contact.
"Right so you went home in your scrubs? And your stuff are still in your cubby? Come on Calliope. You can't fool me. You can't even look me in the eye right now cause you know you got caught and your eyes as guilty as your actions." Out of the corner of my eye, I could tell she had her smug triumphant smile on.
"Yeah alright fine! I never left the hospital."
"Well, I don't have surgeries lined up today and neither do you, so how about you go home, and I'm coming with you?"
"And why is that?"
"First off, you're sick. And I'm a pro in taking care of sick people. So you need me." She was smiling so wide, and her smile said 'you don't wanna argue with me' so I agreed and let her come with me. 
She had her arm on my arm, clinging unto my side. She did everything on the way to my house. Opened doors, punched keys in the elevator and even slipped my key to the keyhole. I had to just stand there, since she wouldn't let me do anything. 
When we got to my apartment, she pushed me down the couch and took off my shoes. She then left me there and instructed me to go to the bedroom and change. I did as I was told and sat on the floor when I was finished. She came into the room, a basin in her hands. She put them on the bedside table and pulled me up.

"Lay on the bed and I'll get a wash cloth."
I once again did what she told me to and pulled all the covers on me. I was shivering and even with the heater on, my room was still so cold. Arizona came back with a wash cloth in her hand and she sat on the bed, dipping the wash cloth in the basin with water and put it on my forehead.

I hissed at the contact of the cold cloth on my forehead.
"Fuck that's cold." I said, still shivering.
"Move over, I'll cuddle you and get you warmed up."
I looked at her and gave her a weird look.
"Come on Callie, it's nothing. Now move over."
"Uh no. You stay right there. I might be contagious. I know how much you love those tiny humans and I don't want you to miss every breathing moment you can have with your tiny human patients." I said in a breath. 
She lightly pushed me, forcing me to move over and turn to one side. Since that side of the bed was warm and fuzzy, I couldn't help but relax at the warmth. Arizona wrapped her arms around me and rested her chin on the nook of my neck. She kissed my cheek and then my head.

"Babe you might get sick." I whispered, obviously not wanting her to catch my fever, while battling the sleepiness.
"And so I get sick. Sleep tight Calliope. I'll be here the whole time. I'm never leaving." She whispered before I was consumed by sleep.

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