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After days of training for the ultimate hospital baseball feud, the day has come. This was it. We spent the end of our shifts out in the night, in the cold baseball field. A lot of doctors in the formed team possessed really great skills, making me question why I made the team. I topple every time I catch the ball and literally scramble down on the dirt. I wasn't the only one who sucked which felt nice. Teddy sucked at pitching, that was according to Owen, a new trauma guy since the Izzie lady transferred hospitals. Meredith and Yang were the worst. They wouldn't pay attention to the flow of the game. Lexie, Kepner and Bailey weren't too bad. The guys on the team were really good, but above all, Callie was the best. It's like she was never out of breath. She would pitch, she would catch and she would bat like it was something she did on a daily basis . She pitched the best so they hailed her the pitcher. 

"Alright team, this is it. Let's show Seattle Pres we're not one to laugh at or mess with. Hands in. Seattle Grace on three, one two three--"

The game was on and the players assigned for the first game were now positioned on the field. Callie was pitching, Mark was catching and Avery was batting. The basemen were scattered, also in their respective positions. As the game started and progressed, the tension on the field and off the field was thick. Seattle Grace was doing great and was leading making Chief Webber extremely exhilarated. Us players on the benches screamed and cheered at our players. 

Our team was still leading the score board. Some of the players needed to be replaced so I was put in, as well as Lexie and Bailey. Lexie was put to pitch, while I, unfortunately was catching. 
I slapped my helmet into place and secured the other gears I needed to wear. I could hear Callie cheering me on and I felt a surge of pride wash over me. I could see from the corner of my eye that Karev was grinding up with some lady from Seattle Pres. I rolled my eyes and focused on the ball Lexie was about to throw. Her first throw wasn't that strong since Owen had to yell encouraging words to make her focus. But this lady Karev was with, yelled mean things at Lexie, making Lexie throw the ball at this lady instead of throwing it to the batter.
Lexie hit her square on the nose, making all of us wince. The lady now took hold of her bleeding nose, while Lexie stormed off and resided by the benches. With the incident happening, Lexie was out, putting Callie in. 

Callie looked smoking in her white baseball shorts making my throat dry. The way the white cloth hugged and fit that ass should be illegal. My staring was cut off when the ball hit the front of my helmet, causing me to take a few steps back and land on my butt. I huffed and tried to stand, only to feel hands pulling me up. When I was back on my feet, I turned around and saw that it was Callie who helped me up.

"You might want to be alert babe. Don't want you landing on your ass again." She said as she walked back to her mound.
"You're killing me Calliope!!!"

The game went on again and I think my prayers worked. I did well or I like to think I did. We won over Seattle Pres FOR THE FIRST TIME AND MAN WAS WEBBER THRILLED! After the game, we all hung around the field and them sneaky twisted sisters brought along Tequila and the boys brought beer as well. We had a few good laughs, passing along drinks, and just being in each others company. 

"If only Derek was here. He loved to play ball." Mark spoke up out of nowhere.
"Yeah. Shepherd was excellent in baseball." Karev said too.

Meredith started sobbing which then ended up to all of us crying. Callie had her arm around me as I cried, making me cry harder. We all fell silent when Callie suddenly sang softly. She had her eyes closed and I turned my head to look at everyone, only to find out that they were staring at her in awe. My heart felt like it was about to explode from what was happening as of this moment. I leaned against Callie, trying not to burst into tears again. I buried my head against her chest, and felt her rub my back. She soon stopped singing and I looked up from her chest to see her staring right ahead.

"That was beautiful Callie." Meredith stated, reaching out to put her hands above Callie's.
Callie blushed at the statement and smiled a little. The air was getting chilly so we decided to head home to get the well deserved victory rest. We got to Callie's apartment and popped open a bottle of red, which is the best way to celebrate the win. When Callie was about to drink, I stopped her to do a toast.

"Well, here's to you and your awesome baseball skills that lead to our first ever win."
"No honey, to Seattle Grace!"
"Okay fine. To Seattle Grace!"

We drank, and drank until we finished the entire bottle. Callie's laughing drunk ass surfaced, and she would not stop laughing at how there was literally no wine left in the bottle.

"Callie, stop laughing! Your voice is ringing in my ears!" I hissed at her.
"Is Arizona Robbins being a buzzkill again?" She said and laughed again.
"Jesus Christ! Calliope please stop!"
"NO! You're just being grumpy again HAHA."

Even with my vision spinning and blurring away, I still took a moment to admire the laughing drunk beauty in front of me. I was getting annoyed with her just laughing there, without anything to even laugh at, so I shut her up by kissing her hard. Her eyes widened at my course of action, and didn't kiss back until she knew that it was really happening. Her hands went to the sides of my face, pulling me closer.  When air became a necessity, I pulled away, leaning my forehead against hers and looked her straight in the eye. 

"I love you Calliope, now and until my last breath."
"I love you too Arizona Robbins." She leaned in again and kissed me, letting her lips linger softly against mine.


"Babe, wake up. We gotta go in." Said a voice, with their hands shaking me.
"10 more minutes." I grumbled, grabbing a pillow and covering my face.
"Levantate Hermosa. The tiny humans need you."

I removed the pillow from my head and propped up on my elbow, fixing my bed hair to look a tiny bit decent. I turned my head to the door and watched as Callie gulped. She was staring at me with lust filled eyes, her mouth slightly agape.

"Like what you see Calliope?" That seemed to bring her back as she shook her head and smirked. She walked towards me, handling me the coffee mug that she had. 
"I figured you totally needed the caffeine since you know, we drank a little too much last night." She said and drank at her coffee. 
"We finished the whole bottle. Just the two of us!"
"Anyways babe, breakfast is on the counter. Come on, let's get you filled up."

If I said no to breakfast, Callie would give me a long ass pep talk, discussing the importance of eating breakfast or any meals. After we ate our breakfast, we got ready for work and eventually left the apartment.

In the middle of changing into my scrubs, Webber emailed me to meet him in his office. My brows furrowed as I wondered what this could mean. Without anymore fuss, I slipped out of the room and walked rather fast to the Chief's office.
When I opened the door, Webber smiled hugely at me.

"Ahhh Dr. Robbins! Just the face I wanted to see." I sat on one of the chairs in front of his desk and sat properly not wanting the Chief to sense my nerves. 
"So what is it Chief? What's going on?"
"Congratulations Dr. Robbins! You won the Carter Madison Grant!"
I was shocked. I applied for that grant years ago and I didn't expect this to happen now!"
"But wait, there's more to that! Dr. Herman took a liking in you and well, wants you to consider a fellowship under her in Fetal Surgery."
"As in the Dr. Herman, Chief?"
He nodded, still with the creepy big smile.
"So I get to choose whether I go to Africa or get a fellowship?"
"Well, I've informed Dr. Herman of this and she wants you under her wing when you come back from Africa, after you've completed with your mission there."
"This is a lot to take in. Thanks Chief."
"I won't hold you for long. I'm sure you have a lot of patients to attend to."

I left the office, still in shock. What are the odds? I won the grant and was being considered for a fellowship. This is unreal. Out of all the people in the world, this kind of opportunity was handed to me, basically falling on my lap. But before I could actually celebrate this, I needed to tell Callie. She's been my rock and God knows what this could do to us. I know that she's very understanding and very supportive of me but I'm terrified. Terrified that this could make, or break us. 


i tried learning baseball for this but i still really didn't get it so i'm sorry for the possible errors :(( 
i'll make it up to you guys on the next chapter!


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