Chapter 6 - Mind Games and Nicknames

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A.N: The parts in italics are her thoughts, by the way, I didn't know how else to write her feelings considering that it's in the third person. So when it switched to italics is switched to first-person so you can hear her thoughts. 


"Who the hell are you?" A man with short brown hair and a weird blue glowing thing in the middle of his chest asked accusingly.

Seven had no idea what to do, six people were now all staring at her, one even grabbed a gun from her belt

was she going to shoot me?

As well as the man with the blue chest there was the woman with the gun, a man with curly hair and glasses, a weirdly tall dude who was holding a massive hammer, a guy with a metal arm? 

That's so cool. Wait is that- 

"M.r Rogers?" 

Everyone's eyes now shifted to Steve, who was clearly confused as to how this child knew his name. "Yeah?" He said, unsure.

"We met the other day on the street" He still seemed confused so Seven continued, "I'm the one who you thought had a concussion" Steve finally realized who she was but before he could say anything, Peter burst into the room frantically.

"Oh, here you are," Peter said turning to face Seven "I was looking all over for you"

"Sorry Peter, I didn't know which way the kitchen was so I just guessed," She said, still staring at the group of people seated around the large brown table that was in the centre of the room. "Clearly I was wrong" She joked, but no one laughed. 

Sensing the uncomfortable atmosphere in the room Peter grabbed Seven's hand, causing her to flinch and pull away before realising it was him and letting him take it. Peter quickly led Seven out of the room after muttering apologies and shutting the door and she finally turned to face him.

She wasn't expecting to see him out of the mask and took in his appearance. He was taller than her, which she already knew but he had poofy brown hair and brown eyes which were filled with concern, checking she was okay. "Sorry about that Ven, the avengers can be a little intimidating sometimes. They come off hostile but they don't mean to".

"Wait, those were the avengers?" She felt embarrassed, the first time meeting the avengers and she had already messed up. "And Ven?" She asked sceptically.

"It's a nickname, don't you like it?" His face fell 

"NO, no I like it" She reassured him "I've never had a nickname before, that's all" Truthfully she did like it, it was a normal thing that normal people have.

you aren't normal Seven, remember that. 

voices of doubt swarmed in her head but she shook them off, wanting to enjoy this moment. She could deal with her demons later. 

They made their way to the actual kitchen together and sat down at the counter, tucking into the little lunch that Peter had prepared. 


"That was weird" Tony stated after the two teens had left. There was an awkward atmosphere consuming the room and everyone turned to Steve for answers.

"I told you guys about her the other day, remember the girl from when Sam and I were running"

"The girl that didn't know where she was?"

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