Chapter 21 - Trip to SHIELD

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"Steve Rogers" Steve showed his ID card to the man behind the reception desk before placing his hand on the scanner, hearing a beep once it had finished.

"Okay, but who's the girl?" The man asked.

"She's with me," Steve said, putting a protective hand on Seven's shoulder.

"She does need an ID card if you want her to come with you" He explained.

"Fine, where can we get her one?" Steve asked, impatiently.

"Here" The man handed over a clipboard to Steve, "Fill out the details and bring it back, the card will be printed in two minutes after we get the form back." Steve took the clipboard and sighed.

"Fine" Steve pulled Seven away from the desk and towards a set of blue chairs and she sat down next to him.

"Name?" Steve asked, reading the first question.

"Seven, you know that" She looked at him quizzically. "Do you need a surname for the card though?" She asked, sighing.

"Yeah, it's okay, we'll come back to it," he reassured her, moving onto the next question.

The card asked for her date of birth, which she knew, important phone numbers for the system and then legal guardian for under 18s.

"Who even is my legal guardian?" Seven asked while thinking, "Can't you just put the avengers?" Steve shook his head.

"I guess it would be Tony considering it is his tower that you live in, plus he pays for most of the stuff"

"Okay, put Tony Stark down then," Seven thought it was ironic, the man who hated her at first was now technically her legal guardian.

"Okay, the only thing you need now is a last name, you can just make up a fake name if you want" Steve shrugged, handing her the form and the pen. "I'm going to go read the board over there to find out which way the hospital wing is but when you've come up with one then just hand the form back to the guy behind the desk." Steve pointed at the hanging information board before standing up and wandering over, leaving Seven with the paper.

Seven thought about it for a moment, she had never had a last name. Sure she could make one up but would she be able to come up with a convincing one? She was still very oblivious to the way the world sounded and looked, realizing new things every day.

Maybe she should just put down one of the avenger's last name, most of the avenger's identities weren't really that known by the world, obviously excluding M.r Playboy, genius, billionaire, philanthropist who had to announce his identity to the world, plus his building in the middle of new york with a huge 'S' was a dead giveaway.

So 'Stark' was definitely out, she couldn't use 'Rodgers' either, everyone knew who Captain America was. 'Maximoff' wasn't that known, neither was 'Parker' but she thought using Peter's last name may be a bit weird. Noticing Steve reading the board and realizing she didn't have much time she quickly scribbled down a name and took the clipboard over, handing it over the desk.

"Alright well smile for the camera," The man said and Seven barely had enough time to swivel round and take her glasses off, smiling a little at the lens, blinking hard when the flash went off. She hoped she hadn't blinked when the photo was taken, she highly doubted that she would get another chance.

"Get M.r Rogers to go and grab the card from the printer in C4, he had access and that's where it will be." Seven said thank you before heading to find Steve who was waiting for her.

"The hospital is in the C section, between C8 and C9," he told her.

"Perfect, apparently the card is being printed to C4 and you have access which means we have to go and get it," Seven explained what she had just been told.

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