chapter 5

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Harry can leave the infirmary today so he is going to be coming down to my quarters i have finished all the potions for the year and only have a few more lesson plans to finish before I can take a 5 week break before coming back to the castle to complete the rest of them. All I need to do now is add a new room to my quarters.
"Yes master potions master sir. What can Tibby be doing for you sir."
"Tibby I need you to add another room to my quarters, I want it to be a reasonable size just a bit bigger than mine, could you fit it with a large ensuite and paint the walls light green. I want the ceiling charmed to look like the night sky and the fake windows to look out onto the quidich pitch."
"Oooohhh, yes Tibby be doing that right away master potions master sir. Do you be needing anything else master potions master sir."
"No that is all Tibby, Thank you."
Now that the room is all taken care of all that is needed is a quiet morning before I will never see quiet again. Severus sighed yo himself and settled in a overstuffed black armchair with a potions book and read until later that afternoon.
Severus walked briskly up to the infirmary to collect harry his robed bellowing behind him as always. Contrary to popular belief Severus Snape was a big softy ofcorse he would never admit it, however he feared with harry as his ward he may have to let go of his dungeon dweller persona.
Opening the doors to the hospital wing severus made for Harry's bed, he sat down in one of the not so comfy chairs next to Harry's bed and made himself as comfortable as he was going to get.
Harry started to stir so severus gently started to rub Harry's forearm. With the added encouragement harry found the strength to open his eyes.
"Hello sleepy head, did you have a good sleep?"
"Uh- hu did."
"Are you feeling up to going to my quarters today bug"
"When we going 'fessor?" Harry asked sleepily
"As soon as madame pomefrey let's you leave, she should be here any minute now."
It was at that moment that none other than poppy pomefrey walked into the infirmary.
"Severus, Harry, how are we this morning"
"I am well poppy" severus explained as Harry quietly whispered "I otay"
" now Harry i just want to run a diagnostic on you and then you should be good to go." Poppy ran her wand from head to toe and a piece of parchment appeared in front of her.
" you have healed as much as you can  magically, however your bladder is very weak and you won't know when you have to use the loo for a while we will have to build this up over time. A few of the muscles in your legs were badly damaged and are now left rather weak so I will need you to do some physiotherapy to strengthen them up. I want you to try to walk but not for more than 5 minutes at a time and if it gets to much I need you to tell someone okay otherwise you could do more bad than good. Other than that I want you to come to see me every week on Wednesday at 6 o'clock.  Is that okay?"
" that should be fine poppy thank you."
" Severus it is my job. But again you are welcome."
Severus sighed and turned towards his ward who was staring of into space his limbs seemingly having a mind of their own, his right foot was bouncing up and down, up and down and his left hand was tapping at the same pace on his thigh. His eyes were clouded over and it looked as if the boy was in another world. Turning back towards poppy Severus whispered.
"Poppy is he really going to be okay, his speech is barely reaching the level of a 6 year old and his leg seems to be spasming."
"Severus he will be fine, but I can run another scan to see why his leg muscles are being stimulated." Madame pomefrey ran her scan and it came back the same as before."severus thae scan doesn't show anything else wrong he is doing it consciously or maybe subconsciously but he could stop if we asked him to."
" can you look into it for me poppy, I want to give him the best life he can have, he's been through so much already"
"I will, severus, I wil"
After their little hushed conversion severus turned to Harry,
" Harry baby were going to go down to the dungeons now... don't worry i will carry you down there." Severus bent down and picked Harry up and placed him on his hip. Harry gripped severus' robes as if it was the last thing he would do.
"Hey, hey I got you bug, I got you"
Severus wallked down to his quarters murmuring reassurances all the way.
"Okay baby we are here, I need to add you to the wards okay." Severus cast a few spells and then opened the portrait.
" the wards will recognise your magical signature and let you in. Welcome to your new home Harry."
(Word count~903)

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