chapter 6

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My Professor Snape carried me all the way down to his quarters in the dungeons and then added me to his wards, whatever those are. I will ask my Professor Snape later.
"Welcome to your new home Harry"
As we wallked in, well he wallked i was still perched on his hip, I could see a living room it looked much better than the Dursley's, it wasn't to bright but it wasn't really dark either. There was a cream carpet that covered the floor, there was a fireplace on the wall next to the door and the mantle had lots of little trinkets scattered on top. Opposite the fireplace was a mahogany coffee table which held some potions journals and notebooks, surrounding the coffee table was two black, suade, overstuffed armchairs and in-between a slate grey sofa. Behind the seating area was a bookshelf taking up the entire stone wall, and adjacent to that was a door that lead to a hallway.
" this is my living area you can read only the books on the bottom two shelves,okay."
"Mmmhmm" was the only reply harry gave, he was too busy admiring the room.
They wallked down the hallway and stopped at a black door.
" this is my private potions lab, you are not to go in here when I am not in there . If you need me whilst I am brewing just knock on the door before you open it."
They wallked a little bit further down the hallway before reaching a mahogany door, this is my bedroom you are not to go in here unless I am in there and I again ask you to knock before you open the door."
Severus opend the door to his room and harry was again shocked by how cozy it looked, there was a big, king sized mahogany wood four poster bed in the center of the room against a pale grey wall, each side of the bed had a redwood bedside table only the left was in use. The left of the room held a mahogany desk and a black desk chair, resting under an enchanted window showing the edge of the forbidden forest. The right hand side of the room held another mahogany bookcase this one smaller than the last. Adjacent to the bookcase was yet another mahogany door this one leading to a bathroom.
They exited the room and severus wallked to a door that was 2 metres further down the hallway. They stopped at a light grey door, this door was significantly lighter than all the rest.
"Behind this door, Harry, is your room."
"B-but s-sir you you realy din haffta, I can sleep on the sofa its not a problem really."
"No Harry, I did have to. You are human and deserve to be treated as such. Now do you want to see your very first proper bedroom." The only response he got was a very quietly whispered "yes p'ease"
And so Severus opend the door, to the room he has yet to see himself.
The first thing Harry noticed when he was carried in was how big the room was it was bigger than both of dudlys rooms put together, the second thing that caught his eye was his very own bed, it was low enough down on the floor that he could crawl onto it if his legs were hurting, it was a soft grey colour almost the same as the door and it had baby blue sheets that matched the carpet underneath. To the right of the room was a window looking out onto the quidich pitch, underneath sat a window seat with pillows and a soft grey blanket, in the far corner of the room rest a toy chest and next to that a basket filled with more blankets and pillows. In the corner opposite reaching 4 ft accros the wall was a bookcase that was currently bare. On the left hand far corner of the room layed beanbags in pastel yellow, blue, green and purple. A few ft down from Harry's beanbag corner was another grey door, this one leading to an ensuite bathroom, it had a baby blue lino flooring it was soft enough that it wouldn't hurt should he fall when moving around the room. There was a wallk in shower that had a seat in it should he want to shower instead of bath, opposite this was a changing table as Harry was unable to use the toilet at the moment and it seems the elves had caught on to that fact, next to the shower was a toilet and infront of the far wall was a deep set bath, it was perfect.
"Do you like it bug?" Severus asked harry, there was no reply, "harry" severus asked again a hint of worry in his voice, when no reply came again he turned harry in his arms to only have two far to small arms wrap around his neck, and heart wrenching sobs to fill the room.
"Aww baby do you not like it?"
"No, No Ha-Harry loves it."
"Did it all get a bit much?"
"Uhuh" Severus hugged Harry close and murmured reassurances.
"I'm gonna change you now bug, and then we can go shopping in muggle London how does that sound hmm?"
Severus carried Harry into the bathroom and laid him on the changing table securing the strap around his waist.
"Tibby" severus called
"Yes master potions master sir, what can Tibby be doing for you?"
"Can you get me a change of clothes, some wipes, powder, rash cream and a fresh diaper for my little Harry please"
"Tibby be doing it right away master potions master sir."
"My Professor, I is not little"
"Sure your not bug" severus chuckled
"Is master potions master sir be needing anything else."
No Tibby, that is all, thank you."
Harry squirmed when severus wiped him down.
"I know its cold, almost done, thats it. Good boy Harry." Severus slid a fresh diaper underneath harry and taped it up.
"There we go, all done." Severus picked Harry up and carried him into the living room.
"Have you used the floo before Harry?"
"Yep, was bad."
"I'm going to carry you through, I want you to tuck your head into my robes so you don't get soot in your eyes and up your nose. THE LEAKY COLDRON" and they vanished into a green flame.
(Word count~1081)

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