Chapter 7

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As Severus stepped out of the floo, he herd a whimper come from within  the folds of his robes. looking down he could see that Harry was shaking.
" Hey ...hey its okay i got you. The floo isn't very nice, I know, I know."
Severus continued to rub circles on Harry's back until the whimpering subsided and his breathing calmed. Quickly transfiguring their clothes into some muggle atire. A pair of black dress pants and a dark slytherin green shirt for Severus and some light blue denim shorts paired with a navy blue t-shirt that had a cartoon elephant on the front for Harry. He strode out of the leaky cauldron  with purpose heading straight for muggle London. Harry was still shaking in his robes so, when he reached a bench only a few streets away from the town center, he sat down keeping Harry in his lap. the boys limbs kept shaking a bit and his hands had a strong  grip on Severus' robes as if he let go Severus would disappear . rubbing the boys back in downwards motions to keep the motion calming as upwards strokes would not calm him, Severus sat and waited for Harry to release his deathlike grip, whilst quietly murmuring reassurances.  
"There we go, good boy, i got you. do you want to tell me whats got you all shaken up?"
"Was bad, don't like, not again, nope nope nope"
harry responded shaking his head to add emphasis to his words. 
"can you tell me why it was bad Bug?  I want to help you."
The only response he got was a small shake of the far to little boys head. Severus sighed and stood up still carrying his new ward and walking into the town center.
"When we get to the shops Harry i want you to pick anything you want okay, you can have whatever clothing and toys you wish, money is not a problem I have enough of it. Can you try to do that for me Harry?"
"Y-yes sir."
Severus kept walking until he reached his first destination a H&M kids. He strode through the door, picking up one of those shopping bags to put the clothes the boy chooses in and into the boys section. He first picked out a pair of plain black jogging bottoms in 3 sizes  (8-9, 9-10, 10-11) he didn't feel the need to get anything bigger considering Harry's size. He then picked out a plain grey t-shirt in the same 3 sizes. Severus then carried Harry towards the changing room and picked a stall. Sitting Harry down on the bench severus stripped Harry of his elf made trousers and pulled on the biggest pair of joggers finding them far to big he went for the smallest pair they were much better however still gave a little growing room he then put the smallest of the t-shirts onto Harry finding this was again a good fit and allowed for growing and paying room. Severus then changed Harry back into the transfigured clothing from before putting the joggers and t-shirt that fit into the shopping bag the store provided and leaving the ones that were to big on the racks by the exit.
Severus then carried Harry back into the boys section he first wallked around the basics section picking out some plain t-shirts and joggers in grey, blue, white and dark green. He then walked over to where the more interesting clothing was and picked up anything he saw Harry's eyes linger on for a few seconds, also picking up a few he thought the boy would like.
Once Severus believed they had enough for the first store he strode towards the checkout. Placing all the items on the counter and waiting for the store assistant to run them through the register and pack them in their signature White paper bags.
"Your total comes to £161.72, cash or card?"
"Card, thank you."
"Do you have our membership card?"
"No" severus replied to the worker behind the register inwardly sighing
"Would you like to sighn up to receive special deals and collect points you can use for discounts at a later date?"
"No, this is all thank you." Severus responded getting annoyed with the muggles and their stupid points systems.
Severus paid for his purchases and then wallked for the exit.
Once they exited the store severus felt a small tugging on the sleeve of this shirt. Looking down towards the little boy resting on his hip severus gently asked,
"Yes Harry, what's wrong?"
"I, I, That...?" Harry struggled with his words a bit in his frustration he started to flap his hands. Gently rubbing Harry's arm severus reassured the little boy.
"Hey, hey its okay take your time we are in no rush, its still early and we don't have to be back at hogwarts until dinner and thats not for another 7 hours."
"Why you spend all, so much, why, I'm not worth all that Professor."
"Oh bug, you are worth so much more." Severus replied hugging Harry close.
"What have those muggles done to you?"
Severus sighed and once again began walking trying to find a muggle shoe shop knowing their shoes were far more comfortable than the ones sold in diagon allly.
(Word count~896)

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