chapter 2

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Ron didn't understand what was wrong with Harry he was fine not moments ago but now he cant breathe. Truth be told Ron was scared for his best friend was he going to die, his best friend was going to die.
Ron was snapped out of his thoughts by Hermione's suplrisingly comanding voice
"Ron for once could you do something helpfull and go get your mum...and bring our trunks with you so there is more space in here"
OH GOD he thought, if Hermione doesn't know what's happening Harry really is going to die.
Ron ran as fast as he could to get his mum, she had to know what to do; she Molly weasley, she has 7 kids, she has to know what to.
Molly was waiting on the platform when the train pulled up and her boys ran off closely followed by her little angel." Fred, George, Ginny dears I've missed you" she engulfed her children in a rib breaking hug and we waited for Ron and harry.
----------5 min time skip --------
The boys should be out by now, yet they were nowhere to be seen and Molly was starting to worry.
Ron was running towards his mum tears streaming down his cheeks.
Molly dropped the bags she was carrying and couldn't have run any faster as she followed after her distraught son she started shouting down the train
"Harry, Harry darling are you alright, where are you?" Then Hermiones head poked out of a compartment a few doors away
" in here Mrs Weasley"
When Molly reached the compartment, she wasn't prepared for what she saw, Harry looked to be having a panic attack, bill used to have these when he was younger but that was a long time ago, and Molly was struggling to remember what the healer had told her to do. Now just running of instinct and hoping it would all come back to her Molly began to tallk to harry.
"Okay, Harry dear, look at me. That's it, good, good... I want you to take a deep breath okay... Can you do that, for me?" Molly started breathing with him and his breathing got a bit better but if she couldn't get this under control harry would go straight back to square one. " Harry I want you to tell me 5 things that you can see, alright, 5 things you can do it."
"T-t-the be-n-ch.......R-R -Ro-n"
"That's it keep going"
"S-steam...'mione a-a-and y-you"
"That's right, good, good now I want you to tell me 4 things you can hear can you do that for me?"
" Your voice, u-um... The t-train w-is-tle, people on the platform and f-foot steps"
"Thank you, thank you so much are you okay now or shall we keep going" I could tell that he had calmed, as his breathing was evening out.
" No I'm okay, I'm so sorry, it won't happen again, I'm sorry"
"Hey, hey, don't be sorry, you can't help a panic attack it wasn't your fault, everything's okay, it's all going to be okay"
Molly gave him a big hug and reassured him that is was all going to be just fine.
They all got of the train before they ended up going back to Scotland and waved goodbye to Harry as he got into a cab.
Ron pointed out to his mum that it was strange his family wouldn't want to come and get him.
----timeskip to Dursleys------
Harry was counting down the minutes till the first time all the ouchies would come back, even if it was always the easiest one to go through as they were out of practice and they didn't have as much strength in their kicks, he was still petrified.
3 minutes
Turning down the road just before privet drive his tummy felt like it had lots and lots of snitches all in it, he wanted go back to hogwarts, it was fun there, I can magic stuffs up, and make things fly. His hands were shaking uncontrably and he started rocking in his seat.
2 minutes
the play park came into view , oh no no no,the play park, not that he didn't love the play park, he loved the play park when duddly isn't there, there's the swings and a really fun slide but he needed to think about some thing else, anything else. Don't think about the ouchies coming back. They turned into another road and, it's privet drive no no no!! The driver just brushes of Harry's anxiety as excitement.
1 minute
Harry gets out of the cab and grabs his trunk. Then pays the driver the £25 he owes him.
20 seconds
He wallks up the driveway nervously hopping from foot to foot and dragging his trunk behind him.
15 seconds
A knock on the door made with shaky hands.
10 seconds
He can hear the big thump thump thump of uncle Vernon's big feet against the wooden flooring. Its gonna be okay harry, he tells himself, maybe they will be different, after all he did very good at school this year.
5 seconds
He can here the door opening with a loud creek that made his ears hurt.
Hes grabbed by the hair and draged incide, his scalp feels like its crawling
Hes thrown onto the floor and the trunk with all his special magicing stuff is chucked into the living room
The first ouchie is his ribcage and he can hear the unmistakable snap of bones.
Welcome home Harry potter.

to be continued
(Word count~951)

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