chapter 15

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The next morning Severus wakes up nervous, Hadrian hasn't seen Draco since the end of term, they haven't spoken to eachother since two days prior when they both received detentions for fighting in the hall. Hadrian was different, than he was before, his sentences are shorter, more childlike, he is struggling more with his Autism and Severus knew that Draco's arrival could cause more harm than good.
Taking a deep breath Severus wallked into Hadrians room, the boy was still fast asleep, arms circled around his stich stuffed toy protectively, hair sticking out at odd ends, he made for a cute sight especially with the cars 4 pajamas that actually stayed on him this time.
Slowly walking towards the bed Severus sat down on the edge and ran his hand gently up and down Hadrians back in what he hoped was a soothing manner, the little boy stirred but didn't wake, calmly calling Hadrians name, Severus was rewarded when vibrant green eyes blinked up at him sleepily.
"Hello gorgeous, did you have a good sleep?" Severus' only responce was a small nod, picking Hadrian up Severus wallked into the adjoining bathroom stripping Hadrian of his pajama bottoms and pull up and setting him on the toilet, Hadrian just rubbed at his eyes sleepily in responce.
"I know, your still tired, but its time to wake up now, can you go to the toilet for me whilst I get your clothes sorted for today, I also have a potion I want you to try today, it should strengthen your leg muscles so you can wallk all by yourself for longer than before."
Hadrian didn't reply, but when severus heard the sound of water hitting water he stood up from his crouched position, quickly ruffling his sons messy bed hair and wallking to the closet.
Getting Hadrian undressed was never an issue however getting the boy redressed was, Hadrian was very sensitive to touch and the feel of cloth on his skin, he didn't always mind his pajamas as they were of a soft material with few seems however, his regular clothes told a different story to the boy they were Scratchy and made his skin feel like it was crawling.
Not wanting a meltdown this early in the morning Severus just put Hadrian in some fresh boxers and left him in his pyjama top, carrying Hadrian into the kitchen Severus sat in the seat across from him, he had everything prepared this morning so that the envitable meltdown was a bit easier.
Infront of Hadrian sat a bowl of porridge with frozen mango on top, it was one of his favourites.
Once Hadrian had finished eating, he was cleaned up and brought into the living room, Severus sat down on one of his armchairs with the smal boy on his lap, a bright blue potion in his hand,
"I want you to drink it all okay bug, it won't taste bad, I promise."
Tentatively Hadrian reached out and grabbed the Potions vial lifting it to his nose to smell it, and it didn't smell bad at all, it smelled like fresh rain and flowers, deeming it okay to drink hadrian brought the vial to his lips and took a sip, his head flew back in surprise and he turned to look at his human chair.
"Like chocolate daddy!" He explained with enthusiasm
"Realy!" Severus asked him trying to match his excitement.
"Yeah, but it pretty chocolate, it blue."
"It is blue isn't it, can you drink the rest for me." He asked knowing he had to be patient with his son.
"Rian, baby, I need to tell you something very important and I need you to listen the whole time, okay?" Hadrian nodded in response
"Okay, later toady we are going to have a visitor come and stay with us for just one week, because his mummy and daddy are going on holiday a-" but before he could continue he was interrupted by a small voice
"But why they gonna leave him behind, they not love him anymore?" Severus could hear the sadness in his voice so tried to calm down his sons worries.
"No, No his parents are going on an adults holiday, and there's no kids allowed. They are going to celebrate their wedding anniversary and that's something that they want to do alone, they will come back for their son at the end of the week and then take him on another holiday."
"Okay, who is it?" Taking a deep breath severus braced for the worst
"Draco, Draco is coming to stay with us for the week." Silence, that was all he was met with. Looking down severus could see a look of concentration on his boys face.
"He can't hurt me?"
"Not allowed in my room?"
"Not unless you want him in there"
"Only one week?"
"Only one week"
You still be just my Daddy?"
"I'm always going to be your daddy wether Draco is here or not."
"Okay, I get stich?" Semingly done with the conversation and without meltdown Severus let Hadrian slide off his lap and wobble into his room.
To say Severus was confused was an understatement but if the conversation was over and there was no meltdown who was he to complain.
However it was not all calm in the Snape home for very long, not 2 hours later Severus heard quiet sobbing coming from the boys room, setting his book aside Severus took the short trip down the hall to the boys open door, and what he saw was heartbreaking, Hadrian was sat infront of a piece of paper with three figures drawn, a black tall one he assumed to be himself was stood next to a slightly smaller blonde figure and they were holding hands, in the background there was the smallest figure they were hunched over holding a blue squiggle which he assumed was stich, knowing this figure was Hadrian and that this picture was likely what he assumed would happen once Draco arrived Severus hurried towards his son and swept him into his arms. Hadrians cried only amplified and severus started to rock him. After what felt like an eternity but was realy only 5 minutes Hadrians cries had turned to sniffles.
"Bug, look at me." Teary green eyes staired up at him never meeting his eye instead focusing on his brow.
"I will never leave you for Draco, you are my son Hadrian and nothing will change that, not your Autism, and not Draco coming to stay."
"Bu-but Dr-a-co isn't broken"
"No Draco isn't broken but neither are you, yes you have more problems than Draco and yes it may take you longer to do things than it takes Draco but that doesn't mean I love you any less. Those things make you stronger than anyone I know and it makes me love you even more, because your my strong brave boy not Draco." Severus heald Hadrian close as another wave of tears fell from emerald eyes. After a few minutes Rian looked up at Severus.
"Y-you me-me-an it?"
"Of course I do, your my strong boy."
After sitting in the beanbag chairs for another half an hour Severus picks Rian up and brings him into the bathroom to get dressed.
"Draco is going to be here in an hour Rian and I need you to be properly dressed for when he arrives, you can't be in your pj's and boxers." Picking up  grey Jordan tracksuit bottoms and sliding them onto his struggling boy.
"I know you don't like it but they are comfy ones I promise."
"Its itchy Daddy, want it off, want it off, off, off, off"
"Hadrian I know you want it off but I need you dressed for when Draco gets here, I don't want to embarras you infront of him and I know you don't want to be embarrassed either."
" 'm sorry." Rian replied softly, and severus began to undress and redresse his top half
"I know this is hard for you and you have no idea how proud of you I am. Arms up, good boy. But I want you to try and get on with Draco this week and I will try to keep him out of trouble aswell. Does that sound okay with you?"
"Yes Daddy."
"Thats my good boy, all done. Now why don't we go into the sitting room and you can make a start on your summer homework, I know you haven't had a chance to start it yet. Which one do you want to do?"
"Defence please."
Okay you go sit in the living room and I will get all your stuff for Defence."
Not 10 minutes later Hadrian was sat at the coffie table reading his Defence book whilst severus sat reading a potions journal.
"Yes Rian?"
"W-well I do-dont know what this one s-says."
"Let me see baby, that says- " severus stoped Hadrian should be able to read this word.
"Can you sound it out for me?"
"B-o-unn-d-arr-eyes" severus was confused had Hadrian gone the last two years not being able to properly read his textbooks. Good god he had belittled the boy for not reading ahead in almost every lesson if the boy couldn't read in the first place then what was the point in reading at all, but then his essays were always well written if you could read them that is, but the spelling was atrocious. So he knows the words, just can't recognise or spell them, okay, I can work with that he thought
"Boundaries, darling that word says Boundaries, when casting a defensive spell you have to be aware of what is around you, especially if you are behind wards, you have to respect the wards Boundaries." Hadrian looked up at him smiled then nodded turning back towards his text. Not even thirty seconds later Severus was once again interrupted by Hadrian asking for a word.
"Do you want me to read it to you Bug, you seem to be struggling a bit." At Hadrians nod Severus picked him up and placed him on his lap.
That was the sence that Lord and Heir Malfoy wallked through the floo into, Severus Snape, feared potions master, reading allowed the 2nd year Defence text with a small black haired boy curled up in his lap.
Lucius cleared his throat to make their presence known.
"Good afternoon, Severus." Lucius exclaimed highly amused at the awkward situation he found his friend in.
"Hello Professor Snape, thank you for agreeing to look after me for this week, I wont be a problem I promise."  Draco said staring at Hadrian with curiosity the whole time.
"Sorry, time ran away with us, good afternoon Lucius, Draco. This is my son Hadrian." Severus explained nodding in greeting.
"You, have a son" Draco almost shreaked staring at Severus in disbelief.
"Your father had almost the same reaction, yes I have a son, yes he is biologically mine, he is 12 turning 13 this Saturday and he is also Autistic."
"He can't be the same age as me, Professor Snape he is tiny, he looks smaller than I was when I was 10." Draco announced loudly, causing Hadrian to cover his ears and hide his face even further into Severus' chest.
"I can assure you, Draco, that I know how old my son is."
"Thank you, Severus for taking Draco for the week, I hate to just drop him off and leave but I realy must be going, Cisssa and I still have some packing to do before our potkey."  Lucius said anxiously.
"Yes Lucius we all know Cissa and yourself have been packed since last week, get back to your wife I'm sure you have much better things to do than stand in my sitting room convesing about the weather."
"Okay if you didn't want me here you could have just said." Lucius said huffing and sticking his nose into the air.
" just go, you know where the floo powder is." Severus explained fighting a chuckle. And with a blaze of green flame Lucius left.

"Rian, baby can you say hello to Draco?" Severus asked rubbing circles on the boys back. Very slowly, almost painfully so, Hadrian turned to face Draco.
"YOUR SON IS POTTER!" Draco shouted as soon as he caught sight of the lightning bold shaped scar on his forehead.
"Draco, calm yourself or I will be forced to send you to your room, my son, is Hadrian Severin Snape, he is the son of Lilly Louise Snape ne. Evans and myself and this is his home, you are a guest and you shall conduct yourself as such, am I clear." Severus said anger clear in his voice although he never raised it.
"Yes sir" Draco agreed clearly upset by the fact he would have to share the week with his school boy rival.
"Go put your stuff in the room at the end of the hall, then you can either stay there or come and sit in the living room and do something quietly, I am going to finish reading this chapter to Rian then leave him to his own devices for a bit."
Severus explained calmly.
"I think I will stay in my room thank you" distaste clearly in Dracos voice.
Severus and Hadrian watched as Draco exited the room and then without a word Severus picked up the Defence book and began his quiet reading once more, by the end of the chapter Hadrian was fast asleep, his hand having found its way to his mouth like normal. Picking the boy up Severus bought him to his room and layed him down in bed with his stich toy, tucking the covers around him.
Once Rian was settled Severus went back to the sitting room and opend the Potions journal he had put down to help Hadrian with his summer reading. If Dracos current attitude was anything to go by it would be a long week.
Word count ~ 2352 

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