chapter 8

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Severus spotted a clarks a few stores down so started to wallk towards it. Once he reached the front of the store he took a ticket (number 68) and took a seat in the kids section. Letting Harry have a look around, getting used to a busy environment.
Once severus though that Harry had had enough time to get used to the stores environment he brought Harry towards the school shoes sitting him on the floor infront of the display.
"Harry can you pick a pair you like please, they all cost roughly the same, just pick the ones you like." Severus then knelt next to him and waited for Harry to make a decision.
Harry sat looking at the many boys school shoes available for a good 10 minutes before he tentatively reached out and pointed towards a pair of leather shoes with 3 velcro straps and a thick rubber sole. Severus picked them up and examined them.
"They look lovely Harry, very nice, sturdy aswell they should last a while. Good choice."
Severus picked up the display shoe in one hand and picked Harry up with the other, carrying him over to the trainers, again sitting him infront of the display.
"I want you to pick one pair of trainers from here okay we will go to another shop where I will buy you another pair as I want you to have options. Does that sound okay Harry?"
"You, you don't have to do that s-sir"
"Your right Harry, I don't have to, I want to. Now pick whatever pair you want just like with the other shoes okay. Good boy."
Harry Once again studied all of his options very carefully before hesitantly reaching out and picking a pair of navy leather day shoes with a grey shark pattern on the back.
"A fine choice Harry." Severus said gently talking the shoe from Harry's hand and taking him over to one of the many stools scattered around the kids section.
"Number 68" a worker with long blonde hair and rectangular glasses called from a few seets down from them. Severus raised his hand and beckoned the woman over. Once the woman got over to them Harry began to whimper quietly. Severus picked Harry up from the seat next to him and put him on his lap rubbing his hands down the boys arms in an attempt to calm him.
"Hello, my name is Kate and I will be helping you today."
"Thank you, I am Severus, and this here is Harry, can you say hello Harry bug?"
"ello..." Harry whispered
"Hello Harry, are you getting some new shoes today?"
"Uhuh" Harry responded just as quietly as he had the first time.
"Do you know his size or do you need me to measure him?" Kate asked in a soft voice seeing how shy the boy sitting infront of her was.
"Could you measure his feet please." Severus responded gently rubbing Harry's little socked feet.
"Of course, I will be back in a minute." Kate responded.
5 minutes later Kate returned with an ipad and what looked like weighing scales. Kate knelt infront of Harry holding the ipad infront of him.
"Harry, can you pick the boy or the girl please they are going to help you get your feet measured." Kate asked harry in what she hoped was a soft yet exited voice. Harry eyed her wearily before slowly reaching out and tapping the boy picture on the screen.
"Good boy Harry." Severus praised. Kate then slid the ipad into the holder that looked like weighing scales and placed it on the floor, the little boy mascot visible through a square hole at the top.
"Harry, can you step onto here for me so that I can measure your feet."
Kate asked kindly. Severus stood with Harry and placed him on top, making sure to hold him under the armpits as his legs were still weak.
"And you're done!" Kate explains excitedly, as severus picked Harry back up setting him back on his lap.
"Size 13 F. Awww such iddy feet. Is it these he wants?" Kate asked pointing at the two pairs of display shoes sitting on the chair next to them.
"In that case I will be back in a moment." Kate says picking up the two display shoes from next to Severus and Harry and going into a back room, coming back only a few minutes later. With 4 boxes.
"Okay, we have both shoes in stock in a 13 and a 13 1/2 just incase this style comes out different on his feet. Let's try the navy ones first" she explained handing severus the left shoe in a size 13. Severus took the shoe from her with a curt 'thank you' he untapped the velcro and took out the tissue paper stuffing, gently sliding the shoe onto Harry's foot before doing it up again and then putting on the right shoe. Once that was done severus turned Harry in his lap so he was once again facing Kate. She checked to ensure they fit him before asking him to take a wallk around.
"He recently sustained some injuries that have left him unable to wallk. Only a few steps at a time realy. Is it alright if he just takes a step or two so he can save his strength for the other shoes aswell?" Severus asked not wanting Harry to tire himself out to much.
"Awww, bless him. Thats fine just take your time."
"Harry, baby can you take a few steps in your new shoes for me so we can check to make sure they fit alright and won't hurt you when you start to wallk a bit more." Severus asked Harry gently.
Harry responded with a slow hesitant nod and severus moved to sit Harry on the chair he just vacated. Standing infront of him severus grasped Harry's hands and helped him stand on shaky legs, Harry taking one step dragging his feet on the carpeted floors, then another and then one more before falling into severus' arms exhausted. Severus scoopes Harry up and huggs him close to his chest.
"I'm so proud of you Harry, good boy, such a good boy, you did so good, so so good." Severus reassures as he cries in his arms.
Kate watches from the side, as severus praised little Harry, with tears in her eyes.
"Both the shoes are of the same style he won't need to wallk in the second pair those fit him perfectly." Kate explains after Harry had callmed down.
"Thank you." Severus responds emotion thick in his voice as he celebrates Harry's first steps with him since being rescued from the Dursley's.
Severus took the shoes from Harry's feet and handing them back to Kate, whilst still holding Harry in his arms.
" I will just bring these over to the till they are under number 68 so just give my colleague over there your number and she will run them through the register for you."
"Thank you for all your help today Kate." Severus said
"...ank oou" Harry mumbled into severus' shoulder.
"Awww don't worry about it, you have made my day." Kate replied walking towards the till to place the boxes there.
Severus bounced Harry in his arms a few times before walking towards the till to pay for Harry's new shoes.
"Coustimer number?" The lady at the till asked.
"Okay, yep. Black school shoes and navy shark shoes in a size 13 F. Yes?"
The lady at the register asked
"Yes those would be the ones."
"Okay, your total comes to £84.05. Would you like to pay cash or card today sir?" The cashier asked
"Card. Thank you."
Once severus had paid for Harry's shoes they exited the store.
"Right Harry you have a third of a wardrobe and two pairs of shoes and its 11:40. How about we go into JD and then go to Costa for a bit of lunch? Hmm" severus asked pointing out the two shops accros the street.
"O-okay sir." Harry replied timidly.
Severus wallked over the street towards JD heading straight towards the kids section Once he entered the store. Looking through the different clothing on the hangers severus picked up a few tracksuits two Adidas in black and navy , a grey Jordan tracksuit and a pair of black and gold Nike Air max 2090 in Harry's size. Severus then carried Harry and the clothing over to the till and waited for the employee to scan everything.
"Your total is £221.20, are you paying cash or card sir?"
"Card, thank you." Severus responded, paying for the items and then leaving the store, and heading for Costa for their promised lunch.
Severus ordered a medium black coffie and a cheese and onion toastie whilst he ordered Harry a small hot chocolate with a ham and cheese panini.
After eating in comfortable science for 20 minutes Severus had finished his meal and was quietly sipping his coffee he looked up at Harry and noticed him struggling to keep his eyes open with half a panini still sitting on his plate.
Severus looked around him and noticed nobody looking so quickly shrunk all the bags and put them in his pocket. Sighing inwardly he leant over Harry's chair and picked him up, resting Harry's head on his shoulder.
" take a nap Harry, I'm going to be caring you anyway. We can get toys once you are awake okay." Severus said softy.
"Good boy, I got you. Thats it."
Severus watched Harry as his eyes fluttered shut and his fingers subconsciously moved to his mouth.
(Word count~1618)

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