Chapter Twelve: Little Secret Visitor

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*...Plays "Content" by Bo Burnham...*

   Tubbo woke up to Tommy screaming. 

   Anyone else would react by getting up immediately, sprinting over to see what the problem was, want to know what was making their best friend scream so loudly so early in the morning. 

   Not Tubbo though, he rolled over in bed and threw a pillow over his head. "Whaaaaaat, Tommy?" He groaned, screaming was part of the blonde's every day expression, this wasn't something new. After a few moments, his tired groan was met with even more screaming. 

   "Techno's being an asshole!" Tommy yelled from somewhere in the house. "He knows I can't get him cause I can't see him and so he's being an--hey! Give me that!" 

   Tubbo sat up, taking the pillow off of his head and trying to see down the hallway. It was difficult from his room, but he could see just a small corner of the bathroom, and a pink haired figure laughing from the mirror. 

   "Mate, leave the poor kid alone," came Phil's voice from the box, though it was obvious to anyone that he was amused and possibly enjoying the events of the morning. 

   Tubbo wasn't focused on that though. The second he caught even a glimpse of Techno in the mirror he jolted upwards, running out of his room and into the bathroom. "Don't move!" He said, causing the man in the mirror to freeze. 

   When he finally had situated himself in the room, Tubbo looked forward. In the reflection he could see what was expected, the shower behind them, the toilet, even himself with his messy hair and wrinkled pajamas staring back at him. But there was one other thing to the mirror. The specter that Tubbo could only place a face to an old photograph was stood beside him in the glass. Techno was visible, pale and transparent, but still visible. "What?" He asked, his voice barley being heard through the box in the next room. "What is it?"

   "Techno..." Tubbo said and saw himself smiling. "I can see you! Did you know that we could see you from here?" He asked, and judging by the shocked reaction the other had, he would take his answer as a 'no'. 

   "You can see me?" Techno asked, and frowned, lifting his hand a little in an awkward wave. "...hi. So this is now not haunting, now it's a social interaction."

   Tubbo shrugged and laughed at it a bit, nodding. "Looks like it Boss Man." 

   Not a moment later, a blur of yellow hair crashed in through the door, landing not-so-gracefully beside Tubbo. "I wanna see him!" He yelled as he'd entered. He stopped in front of the mirror and threw his arms wide with the realization that they could in fact, see Techno. "The Blade, my man!" 

   Tubbo ducked under his friend's arm as it was thrown, and side stepped around Tommy. "Well, we can now see The Blade. I wonder if that..." he leaned his head out of the bathroom. "Phil! Wilbur! Get in here!" He yelled to the others located outside the bathroom. 

   Beside the phantom image of Techno in the mirror, a head popped through the wall. Wilbur had a wide smile adorning his face, and looked towards the boys through the reflection. "I heard everything!" He announced and swooped his way through the wall, turning upside down and arching over Tommy and Tubbo.  

   "Wilbur, I thought the newspaper article made ya look funny--turns out that's always!" Tommy gasped dramatically and eyed the tall ghost. As a result, Wilbur leaned over and blew at him, chilling Tommy to the bone. He wrapped his arms around himself and shivered, shooting a glare at the empty air beside him. Despite the emptiness between the two living boys, the grin on Wilbur's face was very visible in the mirror.

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