Prologue: The Door

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TW: Prologue contains description of death

   "Can't believe he actually fell asleep," Wilbur was leaned over the stairway rail and snickering slightly at the realization. Techno never fell asleep, well, he had a really messed up sleep schedule at any rate, so when he'd asked where he was and Phil had replied 'sleeping', it was something new.

   The only slightly older brother rolled his eyes and nodded, sitting himself down onto the sofa. "Yes, he's actually asleep," he said. He set down a steaming cup of tea and gave Wilbur a leveling look reserved supremely for fathers (big brother or not, it was Phil, so what was the difference?). "And don't you dare wake him up," he said.

   Wilbur sighed dramatically and nodded his head. "Alright, I'll be quiet," he said and gave his 'dad' a little smile. "You'll just be down here if I need you, yeah?" He double checked.

   Phil nodded. "Yep, and hopefully done with this book by whenever you check in," he said and cast a look to the paperback on the coffee table. "I'm almost done with it, and you will be hearing a detailed rant if something goes horribly wrong," he said it like a promise.

   "Looking forward to it," He readjusted his glasses before they slipped off the bridge of his nose, seeing as he still had himself draped over the railing. He pulled himself back up to a standing position and stretched out his back a little, leaning from side to side. "Well, in case I don't come back down, 'night Phil," he told him. He received a wave and gave one back, walking back up the stairs.

   Wilbur paused in front of Techno's room, leaning back a little bit to see through the cracked door. Sure enough, there was a lump in the bed, unmoving aside from a slight up and down of breathing. "Huh," Wilbur mumbled to himself and shrugged, walking back to his own room from there.

   Once he'd made it back to his room, he'd gently closed the door. Normally, he would have left it open, the lock was buggy and it sometimes froze on him, which wasn't good in situations where he wanted to leave his room quickly for dinner or something. Either way, he was going to be editing one of his new songs together, and since his room was close to Techno's, he didn't want to wake him by accidently singing too loudly.

   Wilbur grabbed his guitar from beside the door, strumming it lightly as he walked over to his desk area. He liked this new song, well, he liked all his songs, but he had a good feeling about this one. He was so close to coming up with a whole album, and if things went his way, he'd be getting noticed sometime soon. With that hopeful little thought, he slid into his desk chair and powered up his PC, looking forward to the outcome of the editing process.

   Downstairs, Phil had to resist the urge to throw his book to the wall. "That's ridiculous," he said aloud to no one in particular, that so called 'plot twist' made no sense. He blew a disappointed raspberry and leaned back further into the couch, dropping the traitorous book onto his stomach. He looked at the ceiling, if he thought hard enough about it, he would be able to map out the entire second story just inside his head. First was his room, all the way far off to the left, it was peacefully a nice distance from Wilbur's room. Not to be mistaken, Phil loved Wilbur's music, it just wasn't the best thing in the world whenever the younger boy got a random bout of inspiration at three am that just needed to be put into immediate production. Techno wasn't so loud, and Phil thought the compromise of having him be in the middle was a nice one. Really, the only thing Phil found himself wondering about Techno at three am was why he was awake.

   He blinked and leaned even further back, taking his hat off his head to admire it a moment. He could still remember, very easily, the Christmas that he'd been gifted the hat by the boys. It'd been a really nice gift, they'd seemed kind of nervous to give it to him. Wilbur had later explained that he and Techno were unsure if he was actually like the hat, seeing as it was that and only that from them. But Phil had loved it, and he still did to that day. It was a very genuine gift, and he honestly loved it more than anything. He always tried to think about sort of thing, with the other two around, someone had to be the voice of reason.

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